
Resons for missing updates

Hi everyone,

unfortunatly I have to tell you, that I won't be able to continue working on TFX at the moment.
I was told a couple of days ago, that my contract at work won't be renewed. So I will be un-employed from january on if I don't find another job.

Up to now I have sent about 250 applications to various companies world-wide. Actually I am afraid, that I will have to send about the same amount again before being offered a position. <img src="">

So, please bear with me, if I don't post any updates. It's pretty tough working up to 12 hours a day + looking for jobs and sending applications all night. <img src="">

As soon as I have some time, I'll continue TFX development!

Oh, and btw: If you should happen to know someone/some company looking for a skilled C# developer and who/which would be willing to offer relocation sponsorship, please let me know, so I can send them my CV! It doesn't matter in which country, I'm pretty flexible. <img src=""> Thanks!

Stitch 2.0

Posted by Stitch 2.0 2004-06-09

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