From: Neil C. <nc...@kl...> - 2001-02-11 00:19:22
Hi everyone, I just thought I'd update you on the most recent changes to the code in CVS). This morning I went through a lot of code and wrote javadoc for it, so the documentation should be considerably better. I still have some more classes to do (see 'TODO'), but help is welcome: if you're looking for an easy thing to do to help out, contributing documentation or fixing grammar mistakes is really easy. I should have the access log date format fixed by the end of the weekend. I've been scratching my head over this for a while, but I think I've got it figured out now. I split HTTPDateMaker and CLFDateMaker into separate classes, which should make the code more robust, and will allow the CLF date format fixes when I get around to them. BTW, does anyone of a document with the exact specification of the Common Log Format (CLF)? I couldn't find one that looks authoritative. The other thing that needs to be done before 0.3.0 is the XML config system. I've refactored the code so that this should be fairly easy, but I haven't actually written the XML parsing code yet. el...@xs... contributed a lot of code towards this, which should be helpful when I start work. This should be finished by the end of the week. So that's all that really needs to be done for 0.3.0. I'll attach the 'TODO' file so you can see the rest of the stuff on the horizon, as well as the CHANGES file from CVS so you can see what stuff I've already improved -- there are lots of changes since 0.2.1: the source tree has been re-organized, split into 3 packages instead of just 1, there have been tons of minor cleanups and improvements, and several bugs fixed. BTW, I'm aware that the current code in CVS compiles, but it doesn't work properly (i.e. it throws an exception on startup). I'm aware of this, so don't worry about it -- it's because the XML stuff is half-complete, and some stub methods are being called. This will be fixed soon. Email me or the list if you have any problems. Cheers, Neil Lead Developer, Tornado HTTP Server -- Neil Conway <nei...@ho...> Get my GnuPG key from: Encrypted mail welcomed Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. -- Howard Aiken |