
building robots

  • orjis

    orjis - 2021-12-28

    I'm using Torcs 1.3.8 test build on Ubuntu 20.04 and I get a segmentation fault when creating a second robot module or when I have more than 1 car on the existing robot module. i'm new to coding and the robot tutorial doesn't always work.

    edit: Some time has passed and I've figured some stuff out. Game works fine with my robot having 10 robots and I've added a few of the robots from the torcs website but I still haven't made another robot module successfully.

    any help is very much appriciated!


    Last edit: orjis 2022-01-03
  • Mahesh Challapalli

    Hi I haven't jumped into this project yet so I don't know much. But I'm definitely interested in helping. What do you mean by the robot tutorial. I'll get a chance to check out the code later this week!

  • orjis

    orjis - 2022-02-12

    Hello! Sorry for not noticing your reply. I have gotten farther but I still cannot build another robot module. Right now it's just all stuffed into the main .cpp file because I'm stupid and can't it working with driver.h and driver.cpp. I'm currently stuck on calculating aerodynamics and I have been able to have 10 robots working.

    if you want to contact me a bit more directly you can do so on Discord if you add me Orja#2004

    here's a link for the robot tutorial


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