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Unfortunately I've been so wrapped up in my two other projects (Shinba and Compendy) that I cant get to this one quite yet. I haven't forgotten about it though; it's just being put on hold. I expect to be able to work on it some time in the next couple months or so.

TO BE CONTINUED (No these are not the famous last words of this project)

Posted by FoolyFrunz 2013-07-29

Day 0

The temperature outside was perfect. The birds were chirping. Women were playing volleyball topless just outside my window...

With a grunt of disapproval, I closed the curtains to remove the glare from my screen. There are more important things to be doing than earning a nice malignant tumor from the ball of deadly radiation we call the sun.

Of course this is also the day I had an epiphany -- a vision, if you'd like. You see, I required a language with a dynamic syntactic structure which allows absolute fluidity to meet each user's personal wants. I found found that, to my knowledge, no such a language exists. And so here we are.... read more

Posted by FoolyFrunz 2013-06-26