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Showing 17 results of 17

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
42 Can't drag/drop generic topics 1.0.0-M6 open Mark Diggory 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 4  
41 Lable synchromization issue for section 1.0.0-M6 open Mark Diggory 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 6  
40 Adding generic topic type to other topics 1.0.0-M6 open Mark Diggory 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 5  
39 Survey Type combo box missing from Add Surevy dialog 1.0.0-M6 open Mark Diggory 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 5  
36 Images do not show in preview 1.0.0-M4 open 2006-06-16 2015-01-26 5  
35 Customization of welcome page does not work 1.0.0-M4 open Mark Diggory 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 5  
34 Welcome page is Untited in menubar 1.0.0-M4 open Mark Diggory 2006-06-16 2006-06-16 5  
31 Add language selection in menu/preferences None open 2006-06-08 2006-06-08 5  
28 Import from DDI: disable Include Data File option None open Mark Diggory 2006-06-05 2006-06-08 3  
27 Nesstar file with no data None open Mark Diggory 2006-06-05 2006-06-08 3  
26 i18n of CD-ROM welcome message None open Mark Diggory 2006-06-04 2006-06-08 6  
24 Nesstar file without files 1.0.0-M3 open Mark Diggory 2006-05-31 2006-06-08 3  
22 Header/Footer nodes do not render HTML 1.0.0-M3 open Mark Diggory 2006-05-31 2006-06-08 2  
20 Truncated page title when switching langugae None open Mark Diggory 2006-05-31 2006-06-08 2  
19 Refresh editors when changing language None open Mark Diggory 2006-05-31 2006-06-08 4  
17 Add survey for locked resource 1.0.0-M3 open Mark Diggory 2006-05-09 2006-06-08 5  
12 Error on generate for Nesstar file with no data None open Mark Diggory 2006-03-24 2006-06-08 3  
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