
#5 Installation Config Phase 2


I am loading Tolven into my desktop to replicate the system before I present it to members of the community including physcians and other companies. I need to know how it works before I can reccomend it to others. I have limited interaction with these database systems so I am going slow. That said I have downloaded all the prerequisites and installed them. I am now configuring the system, I am running on Windows XP Professional including all service packs. I have downloaded Oracle for the database system. On configPhase2 you state you need to start the ldap and the database. How? I went to the C drive to start ldap and typed in C:\openldap> sladp ldap// I think that started it, but I'm not sure. If so what is the command to stop it? Does this process have to be done every time I wish to work with Tolven?

How do I start the database? Are you anticipating a start through the Oracle Admin or a command from the C drive? Does this action also have to be repeated each time I wish to work with the system?

More later as I work through this. Thanks


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