
Tolven Health Record / News: Recent posts

Source code moved to SVN

Please use SVN for access to current Tolven source code.
The CVS repository is now obsolete.

Posted by John Churin 2011-02-08

Tolven Beta 4 available for download

Tolven Beta 4 is now available for download and includes:

1. Enhancements to the installation processes
1.1 The Linux installation is now headless (see for documentation supporting the installation process)

2. Tolven Control Panel provides a graphical user interface for configuration of Tolven:
2.1 Template Reference Information Model (TRIM) Editor
2.2 Application Editor
2.3 Configuration Manager... read more

Posted by Neil Cowles 2008-12-08

Tolven beta 2a available for download

This release has many bug fixes and improvements.
The kit is physically larger (now 80MB) due in part to the additional TRIMs(Medications based on RxNorm) included in the kit.

The applications have an updated look and additional configuration can now be done by the end user.

Developers can access the corresponding CVS tag for this release as tolven-1_1_0_beta2a.

Posted by John Churin 2008-03-14

Benchmark Results

Tolven is benchmarked on the Solaris™ operating system and Sun™ hardware. This report provides the results.

Posted by John Churin 2008-03-06

Developer Forum Added

There is a new forum for developers. Use this to post information that all core developers should be aware of (but not bugs). For example, new CVS projects (modules), procedure changes, setup changes, etc.

There's also a new mailing list (tolven-developer) that you can subscribe to that will inform you of new postings to the developer forum.

Posted by John Churin 2007-09-11

Beta Released

The beta of Tolven-1.0.0 has been released.

We've added a documentation download containing new, task-oriented installation and configuration procedures. This new documentation handles both binary and source (developer) installations as well as an upgrade procedure.

We have more documentation to add: How to configure the application without writing Java.

Posted by John Churin 2007-09-04

Bug tracker mailing list added

If you wish to receive email notification of all Tolven bug tracker activity, click Mailing Lists tab, Summary and subscribe to tolven-tracker, supply your email address.

You will receive an initial email which you must confirm. You can also cancel your subscription.

Note: Some ISPs may be blocking email from sourceforge. see

Posted by John Churin 2007-08-13

tolven-alpha6 released

This release includes bug fixed, performance improvements, and improved wizard (data entry) behavior.
The tolven mobile server and client is included. The client should work on most modern mobile phones (those that support Java).
Security improvements include encryption of JMS messages. This enhancement means that tolven can protect a document throughout its entire lifecycle including while in transit and while at rest (in the database).

Posted by John Churin 2007-05-15

Mobile Access to PHR Available

Tolven can now be accessed from any smartphone capable of running Java that supports the CLDC standard.

Instructions for accessing the Tolven demo site from a Palm Treo are available at

As usual, the source code is also available in CVS as tolvenMobileServer and tolvenMobileClient.

Posted by John Churin 2007-03-05

Help Wanted

If you see any tasks you would like to work on, please feel free to dig in.

Although you probably don't have commit access to CVS, you can easily create a patch in Eclipse or your favorite CVS tool and send it to us and we will be glad to review and post the change.

Posted by John Churin 2007-01-16

tolven-alpha4 released

This release demonstrates ePHR and eCHR applications, user login and account creation. It also marks the second release of the tolven GUI installer which eliminates the need for Eclipse and manual Ant targets.


Posted by John Churin 2006-10-21

ePHR - Personal Health Record screens added

The personal health record screens are organized for citizens with an account typically limited to the members of a family.

Posted by John Churin 2006-10-03

Staging folder added to installation process

Both the install guide and the installation process have been improved and steamlined.

A new folder has been created that "stages" all configuration changes to pstgreSQL, openLDAP, and JBoss prior to deployment so you can see exactly what is going to happen.

The stage folder also provides a known location for the digital certificates and supporting files allowing this material to be redeployed without having to regenerate the certificates.... read more

Posted by John Churin 2006-09-01

New ways to create test data added

See release notes for details.

Posted by John Churin 2006-09-01

New Account Admin Page added

Release notes at:

1. Cleaned up admin page (after login, follow preferences link). Added new account administration page, accessed from user preferences.

2. Table headings improved

3. From the last build: duplicate column values are now supressed in most cases. See patients by disease as an example.

Mandatory (but simple) DB upgrade step required if you want to continue to login existing users (new users will be OK). See release notes.

Posted by John Churin 2006-08-31

New build available

This build fixes some installation issues and some UI issues. See the release notes here:

Also, the Tolven web site has been updated to the new look and feel and has new content. See

Posted by John Churin 2006-08-24

Tagging source-code

You may notice that we're starting to tag the source code now with build tags (Byyyymmdd-hhmm format). This is a step toward building a downloadable kit. We'll be testing some of these tags for a week or so. Right now, the tags don't mean anything official. Tags are referenced in the release-notes document at

Posted by John Churin 2006-08-21

Installation Guide Published

The Guide for windows-based Installations has been published at

Posted by John Churin 2006-08-18

Final UI Integrated

The working UI style has been replaced by the final UI design. These pages have been tested on Firefox and Internet Explorer 6. See Screenshots.
There are some instructions posted on how to use the demo data generator (which is part of the application) at

Posted by John Churin 2006-08-06

Build from source is working

Thanks to Joe Isaac, connecting to CVS and building Tolven from source using Ant is now working. The ant script also includes a deploy task if you are using JBoss - John

Posted by John Churin 2006-06-30

Sources uploaded

Sources have been uploaded. Testing integrity of build and CVS. Nothing ready to download, yet.


Posted by John Churin 2006-06-14