
TOEJAM / News: Recent posts

TOEJAM Project Status Update

It has been awhile since TOEJAM has seen any action.

The reason for the long silence has been a move inter-state and starting a new job. I've only just got broadband installed at my new home (after more than a month of chasing it down) and can once again devote time to development.

However! The modem I used to develop against is no longer available to me, so future development at this time is uncertain.... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-12-15

Quick Developer Update

Ok I'm back home, but not yet working on TOEJAM again.

I'm not abandoning it!
For the next two weeks though I am unable to get time for it (I'm MC'ing my sister's wedding, and have to rebuild a Linux server to replace my aging one that runs TOEJAM).

So, I'll update again in two weeks, sorry for the delay!

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-09-01

Gone Snbow Boarding - Back soon

Sorry guys, I've received a lot of interest in the last two weeks on TOEJAM but I am on a snow boarding holiday in New Zealand!

I'm not sorry for being on holiday, but I AM sorry for not at least telling everyone that I was out of the country and therefore unable to reply to requests.

I will attend to all requests when I get back in a week and have had time to get my life back on track.

Wish you were all here! ;)

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-08-13

TOEJAM testing is in progress

Ok ok, there was a rather obvious race condition in the code that only occurs once in a blue moon. I'm going to stress test this code for a few days and ensure that the next release is properly tested.

Until then I've disabled all file downloads to reduce the number of errors from users.

My apologies, I'm working on it.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-07-23

TOEJAM 3.0.3 Released

TOEJAM is an acronym for Thoroughly Open Ended Java Answering Machine.

A Java Answering Machine that uses a Voice Modem as the base of the IVR system. It has been running 24x7 at my home handling my phone calls and emailing me the messages. Currently supports US Robotics 56K Pro Msg but should work with USR Sportster as well. Other modems very easily supported.

This is a maintenance release that fixes several MAJOR bugs. All users are strongly urged to upgrade.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-07-23

TOEJAM 3.0.0 Released!

TOEJAM is an acronym for Thoroughly Open Ended Java Answering Machine.

A Java Answering Machine that uses a Voice Modem as the base of the IVR system. It has been running 24x7 at my home handling my phone calls and emailing me the messages. Currently supports US Robotics 56K Pro Msg but should work with USR Sportster as well. Other modems very easily supported.

This is a MAJOR update to the codebase.
The main change was a new State Machine to control calls, and many many bugfixes and cleanups across the entire codebase.... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-06-26

TOEJAM 3.0.0 FINAL in CVS!!!

A few hours ago I checked into CVS the final modifications required for the 3.0.0 release of TOEJAM!

This release was a long time coming but allowed for a complete and exhaustive code review (with a lot of help from CheckStyle <>.

This release closes off ALL known issues with the current code base and allows for a very definite path to be taken for future work.... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-06-25

TOEJAM Development Update

Work is progressing slowly on the next release (version 3.0).

So far a LOT of development time has gone into cleaning up the code (with a lot of help from CheckStyle\).

There is a critical bug in the code that prevents the modem from answering a call, once that is fixed the next release will be made!

Anyone who wishes to help out can checkout the development version from CVS.... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-06-16

TOEJAM - Update on next release

I have been in feature freeze for the last two weeks and have been tracking down one last bug before I can release.

I can't guarantee any timelines on this as the problem is with the hardware abstraction layer.

Rest assured the next release (3.0) is being actively worked on.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-04-24

TOEJAM work continues

Development of TOEJAM is ongoing within CVS.
A huge cleanup of the code is underway by using SMC (, and some new functionality is being added as well (all will be revealed in the release notes).

I will not estimate a completion - it could take weeks (worst case).

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-04-03

TOEJAM 2.9.9 released

TOEJAM is a Java Answering Machine that uses a Voice Modem as the base of the IVR system. It has been running 24x7 at my home handling my phone calls and emailing me the messages. Currently supports US Robotics 56K Pro Msg but should work with USR Sportster as well. Other modems very easily supported.

TOEJAM is an acronym for Thoroughly Open Ended Java Answering Machine.

TOEJAM 2.9.9 cleans up all known issues. Please provide any and all feedback on this release.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-02-11

TOEJAM 2.9.8 Released (Brown Paper Bag)

TOEJAM is a Java Answering Machine that uses a Voice Modem as the base of the IVR system. It has been running 24x7 at my home handling my phone calls and emailing me the messages. Currently supports US Robotics 56K Pro Msg but should work with USR Sportster as well. Other modems very easily supported.

TOEJAM is an acronym for Thoroughly Open Ended Java Answering Machine.

TOEJAM 2.9.7 had some show stoppers for some people. This release cleans up all known issues. Please provide any and all feedback on this release.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-01-16

TOEJAM release 2.9.7

TOEJAM is a Java Answering Machine that uses a Voice Modem as the base of the IVR system. It has been running 24x7 at my home handling my phone calls and emailing me the messages. Currently supports US Robotics 56K Pro Msg, other modems very easily programmed for. TOEJAM is an acronym for Thoroughly Open Ended Java Answering Machine.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-01-14

TOEJAM CVS up to date again!

Ok I've updated the CVS repository as I now work directly off CVS.

The current code has the initial groundwork to execute an external process on a ring event. I use this with a speech program to speak the caller while the phone is ringing. It has a minor bug I'll track down soon before labelling it as a new release for downloading.

Developers feel free to checkout the CVS tree.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-01-13

TOEJAM - minor setback

Let this be a lesson to... actually I'm guessing everyone who reads this already knows it (but hey so did I!) :)

I just lost 6 months of work because I hadn't done a commit to CVS since July!

I'm slowly getting back to where I was.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2003-01-09

TOEJAM still alive

TOEJAM is still alive and being developed on. Although not as actively as would be expected.

The next release will have a few more features being requested by users and some cleanups that may result in bug fixes as well!!!

However it will not yet have the much anticipated state engine for handling calls.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-12-09

TOEJAM progresses forwards

Joseph Hakim has joined the developer ranks and is working towards completing a driver for Netcomm Roadster II Ultra 56.

Toejam may progress slowly at times but is always alive and well.

Please continue to send bug reports and feedback.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-09-09

Toejam 2.9.0 Available

TOEJAM is a Java Answering Machine. Using a Voice Modem as the base of an IVR system, it has been running 24x7 since Nov 2001 at my home handling phone calls and emailing the results. Currently can use US Robotics 56K Pro Msg, USR Sportster may work.

The main changes in this release are under the hood to enable future development to continue on a strong codebase.

One major change that users will appreciate is a much better download package that can be installed and up and running with minimal fuss.... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-07-26

Version 2.1 Release Candidate 1 (almost)

Yes it's almost here... I have it running without any noticable problems.

This is a MAJOR update, lots of improvements, mostly under the hood to allow for other modem drivers to be supported (VERY easy to develop!). However future advancements will now be focussed on the end user interface making it easier to use.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-07-24

Progress update

Work does continue on the next release, but real world events encroach on my available time to work on it and I don't want to release the next version until I feel it is ready.

The next release is a major rewrite, no file has gone untouched!

I still promise that the next release will contain the framework to support other modems than the USR Robotics (although other drivers may not yet be in there).... read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-07-11

Update on next release

Although the website may be idle I have not been. The support for multiple modem types is almost complete (allowing for other modem types to be added easily).

In the process the entire source has been revamped and cleaned up.

I plan to make the next release packaged well and put an optional GUI in there (for the Windows users).

I hope to get the next release out within the next few weeks - the next release is well worth a look.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-06-25

Multiple Modem Support under development

The most requested feature (and so far most avoided by the developer - me), has started implementation.

The first version you see was a good start in my opinion, but multiple modem support was always a big proirity.

I'm not making any promises on the release of the next version as I want to do a major refactoring in the process.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-05-27

Development continues

It's almost at the two weeks since first release.

I am still actively developing this software, but the usual "real life" situation most developers feel is of course in affect. (One being a recent purchase of a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500) :)

Feedback on the application (current improvements or BUGS! and/or future direction) is encouraged, you can email me through sourceforge: read more

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-05-19

First release of Source and Binaries

The first release of source and binaries are now available!

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-05-08

Project Approved - Files to be uploaded

The project has been approved, and I hope to upload the first public release of TOEJAM within the next 48hrs.

Posted by Cory Prowse 2002-05-07