
Tweezer Set V1 shipping in october

  • Wilfried Goedert

    I was ordering the Teezers with TC (Tungsteen Carbide) and Slant 2 months ago and i got first photos yesterday. This are only examples and not finished tweezers because we need them to make matching Etuis examples.
    I put them in a gallery for preview here:

    I like to start why Tocan make a set. and not only give away the tweezers.
    In the first pre test and if you follow other articles 2 woman did have problems with their eyebrow find such in a lot of discussions.
    1. Marion is over 40 years and she plug since years. Such intensive pluging cause that the new hairs get very thin and soft. and grow paralell the skin. Definetly a slant tweezer is not good for her to use and will not work perfectely, because tweezer grap the eybrow hairs and they slip away. I let produce special for her a absolutue special Tweezer named Baraquet-Collibri to solve the problems. You find this forceps in our catalog at page 133. Such a tweezer needs special plugging techniques.
    2. Tati did discuss hers problems that she have "Zwirbel" hairs. Such are little eyebrow hairs that go in all directions but never in direction you wish. In my internet research i did find this is a very common problem and a lot of women concern. If you plug such hairs from the middle of the eyebrow you will have a major problem. You will produce holes inside the eyebrow and skin will shine white (caucasian) A desaster. Most time in womans forums they make the tweezer responsible but its not the tweezer guilty.
    3. I was looking to solve this problem and i did search for a trimming scissor and did find in a lot of forums and special at youtube that woman use a special scissor for this. All use this style of scissor and i thought this is a joke. Because it is a Embrodory scissor and do normal have to cut cotton. For this such a scissor was desinged and its a major difference to cut cotton or very fine and soft eyebrow hairs.
    4. I did decide to make a set with a micro scissor named Vannas. I thing ost woman here never saw such a micro scissor. The reason is the price of such scissors. Just look inside google and you find price ranges from 130.- € to 500.- €. They are shocking expensive and difficult to produce. I put them in the set because for such a scissor its independant if you cut with left or with right hand. They work like a tweezer and so i think i make a lot of woman happy. and maybe some friends of them, because man do not like to plug. Usual they cut the eyebrows or do nothing to look reasonable. My favourite is this popular german man. And everywhere in germany we make jokes about him.


    Last edit: Wilfried Goedert 2015-10-01
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-10-01


      This is a good idea. Really useful and a set is innovative technology.



      Last edit: Wilfried Goedert 2015-10-01
      • Daniela Tocan

        Daniela Tocan - 2015-10-01

        Hahaha :-)

        You can help us with some research for the calculation

        Youst google and make a summary

        Set include:
        Complete induvidualisation with individual text laser to the etui, and test
        like name or something like - I love you Sabrina.

        1. Vannas micro scissor - german steel
          2 Tungsteen Carbide Forceps
        2. Etui

        Please help to look at google arround and calculate.
        No worry i provoke now a little bit.
        You are active developer and in the group in the shop to get a free test
        We give away 10 Free test sets
        other developers get a very special price if they wish to have

        But if you decide to make yours mother a christmas present you have to buy
        a second one. Maybee you have best girlfriend and whish her for hers
        marriage or for christmas such a individual present. Google just the price
        such instruments have normal. Than come back and tell me what you calculate
        and the highest price you like to spend.
        Than i give you an answer how we will do it.

        Regards Daniela

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2015-10-01


          I searched through the internet. These are the prices, usually:

          1. Micro scissor - german steel - about $54,85
          2. Etui - about $10,00

          So, this is together - $44,85

          Hope my results are acceptable.

          I'm really not able to spend money on this pursache, but I would appreciate
          it a lot if I, as a active member of this project, could have the
          opportunity to get a free test set.
          Thank you.

          Regards, Sabrina

          2015-10-01 16:18 GMT+02:00 Daniela Tocan

          Hahaha :-)

          You can help us with some research for the calculation

          Youst google and make a summary

          Set include:
          Complete induvidualisation with individual text laser to the etui, and test
          like name or something like - I love you Sabrina.

          1. Vannas micro scissor - german steel
            2 Tungsteen Carbide Forceps
          2. Etui

          Please help to look at google arround and calculate.
          No worry i provoke now a little bit.
          You are active developer and in the group in the shop to get a free test
          We give away 10 Free test sets
          other developers get a very special price if they wish to have

          But if you decide to make yours mother a christmas present you have to buy
          a second one. Maybee you have best girlfriend and whish her for hers
          marriage or for christmas such a individual present. Google just the price
          such instruments have normal. Than come back and tell me what you calculate
          and the highest price you like to spend.
          Than i give you an answer how we will do it.

          Regards Daniela

          Tweezer Set V1 shipping in october

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  • Wilfried Goedert

    Hello Sabrina do not be shock. Daniela did answer with mail to the discussion because than she have a translation.

    This microscissrs have a price range of 100-500 $ and the world years production is arround 600 all over the world. Because they need to be certified the certification that allow to use them in medicine costs a company arround 10000 - 60000 $ and such makes this high price and why they are not available in the beauty market. You did find the noyes scissor what is much cheaper.

    We make now from Tocan the following trick. We let produce a Vannas but let not certify it that its not allowed to do Eye operation with it.additional we change a very little in the scissor. Just a change of 1/100 mm means it will not pass conformity control for human medicine. Its a minimal lost of precition.and exact this free us Additional its necessary that i as medical doctor take response and that the instruments have a standard agreement.
    The Tungsteen Tweezer also not exist for private use. And have a price range about of 50 $.
    We do not speak about low grade qualities you find in regular in Ebay or Amazon..
    Because yours activity you are in the Boat of the free Set.

    The official prices that i did calculate for the complete set are the following.
    Tungsteen Carbide Tweezer 25.- Euros (no Etui)
    Vannas Micro-Scissor 79.- Euros (no Etui)
    Set of 1 x Tungsteen Tweezer + 1 x Vannas Scissor 50.- Euros

    For registered Tocan-Tweezer developers if active with or without Blog
    Set of 1 x Tungsteen Tweezer + 1 x Vannas Scissor 35.- Euros

    All prices including Vat plus international shipping (~7 Euros) outside Europe 19% reduced price because no VAT.

    10 Free sets include fully personalised extra wishes are possible
    2 x Tungsteen Carbid Tweezer
    1 x Vannas Scissor
    1 x Etui

    You ask why 2 Tweezers?
    Very easy.
    Each Instrument have a unique Serial number and there is encrypted the real manufactorer, also quality control person and a lot of other things.
    its not shure now absolute but in the set will be one tweezer with the SN066 and other SN786
    and one of the 2 Tweezers you have to send to another Bloger for free that she can do a seperate test after yours Test.
    It can realy be in unlucky case for you that you do not like one Tweezer and the other is yours love forever and just this you have to give away.
    Be shure and you can test it with yours local veterinary doctor or yours dentist or Family doctor. that you get such a scissor and Teezer. They will suddenly give you 50 Euros in yours hand just for the Vannas. So in every case i think you will get yours love for a zero price.

    If Bloggers like to buy for their blogs more than 10 sets to one adress than they can contact tocan directely for discount requests.

    If a Dentist in Europe or in USA like to have such a scissor from a blogger than its good to contact me to explain them how they can use the instruments on a absolute legal way without conformity medical certificate. I exclude only inner eye surgery for europe and USA.but this is very high level surgery.
    I hope every day that beauty blogger Mrs. Dr. Farhat Sultana join the developers group.

    Slowly gets clear why so much important the hygienics part. We can act social but i would not like to see a infection in the the tocan tweezer testers group. I still looking for German pharmacy to support our project with hand-, skin.- and instrumental desinfection fluid to ship to the testers.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-10-03


      Sorry to bother you. But I see this is a complex proceed. Can you
      talk plaintext to us, bloggers. What is our exercise here? We'll ever have
      a chance to test a tweezer or not? I like to talk directly. Hope someone
      can give us clear facts! I can see others have given up. I undestand why.
      Please solve this.



      Last edit: Wilfried Goedert 2015-10-03
  • Wilfried Goedert

    I will tell you yes and you are definetely on the list. But i am not guilty for the delay special Pinosurgical is responsible in my opinion (IMHO).
    We did run the first test but Pino did ship me Trash like Tweezers and the most worse got Marion and i was so much sorry for this. And i have to say that not their workers was responsible it was clear in facts.the management.
    I did change first test to check hygienics and how to hold the tweezer right in the hand.

    Ok 2 months ago Pino have to ship me a TC Tweezer as slant. Such a tweezer never someone did produce for Beauty industries. Only Medical Doctors Know TC Scissors and TC Tweezers. And in Hospital one nurse in regualar is responsible only for them that they get not stolen.

    In fact Pinosurgical act as most companies to hide most of the things. Irsa also produce TC-Tweezers. Production fotos are against their internal guidelines. And it takes 2 weeks for me until they give Irsa 2 examples. Because not other company have to see them. Shipping and payments need discussion.
    To ship from Pakistan 10 Tweezers just and make shipping costs to germany each company 100.- Euros approx. You will see yours set before of shipping because it can hang at borderline until it gets free. Its international import. Official are 4 Testsets. But if good ideas with arguments come from Bloggers and this can be made i will order intermediate tests just for the person that give the idea.

    Betwheen yours idea and you get it in the hand i calculate 6 weeks for production. When you tell me the slant needs this angle, this angle will not work we will produce with yours estimate angle until we find a standart definition.
    This means:
    Pinosurgical in my Opi.nion have to learn for more coordination.
    When i saw the tweezer given to Irsa for the etuis my reaction was that i did order with irsa 10 tweezers to produce, Just to be prepared for the worst case. Because Pinosurgical acts not transparent such impression is given and i start to solve it that i react.

    Definitely you as Blogger decide the companies have to go. And here in this project decide the Women.
    Irsa got instruments and did start.

    Seems he do not know how to post in discussion.
    .Woman told me and so you can read in ticket just etui is to much asculine.
    But no blogger did told us what is feminin.
    Finished Pino etuis was given in pink and red. I am not absolute design expert but pink and red never will match.
    And still is masculine.
    I did told irsa make them small. woman have in their handbags not much space.
    For me is Etui just a protection for the transport. Not more. It reduce because of German shipping laws the expenses of Tocan. Its more cheap to put it in a etui, than to put instrument in something else. But if we have one than why not make it beauty. The etui to have reduce my total costs arround 4 Euros because as company i have to pay the return of the package to reduce waste

    To send 2 Tweezers now was not in the plan for V1. But if one Company makes a big mistake. We rescue Version 1.
    I did inform both and the price i pay for the sets never have a market chance. Because yourself you stated to much expensive. I guided the companies for absolute high qualities. Starting with the base material like steel and go on with the finish. I take out instruments of the shipping to make independant steel analisis. and i let do in labs microbiolocical tests.

    You know that i have the cataloge there:

    There are 100 models of tweezers Choose yours favourite one. Tell us page and number. Some will not work with TC and than i tell you this.
    Also coating designs are excludet in this V1 test. Because i wish to proof myself steel quality.

    If you do decide post us and if there is no comment given than from Monday starts Irsa yoursTweezer given from Blogger side to another Blogger. Both company have same chance what tweezer the woman will prefere. But you decide who of yours Blog readers get yours second one. They should be registered here. If one Company match not the quality levels of the beauty bloggers than project goes in this direction.
    At the momentthere are more tweezers than testers so is very easy. If there are 100 than most active ones are involved.
    And its very easy the rest given to them. I just will write here a topic. Like: Please order Version 1 and first orders make the race. That i do not make tricks for this exist timestamps. I suggest to subscribe.
    A word to AndraKat and Alina. Their blogs are most Naildesigners Blogs. I spoke to Andra that she gets a modelling kit. And if they build a team for design will be nice. Because we have a maskot. And merchandising is important.
    Later we will see if Team wish as coating own design or take existing ones.
    Nail Design Kit to mix colors and do cuticle work and place with bowl little stones and so on.
    Kids are ready as far it was told me. And in the Galery you can choose pictures zoom to se details.
    One Kit have 22 Double instruments so at least 44 instruments.
    This denists instruments are special changed for professional modelling.

    Alina i will drop a mail today.



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