
Toca / News: Recent posts

No Themes!

Hi everyone,

Toca will have no themes, at least not the way you are used to see on CMS systems.

The administrator (or any group with enough power) will be able to change the design using forms.

This shall be accomplished using CSS and XHTML. Toca will have 'out-of-the-box' validation against those standards.

For example, in a form, you will select from a list of type fonts, colors, backgrounds and borders, what is the desired styles to the 'Title' field of an article. This information will be stored on a XML file.... read more

Posted by Julio Nobrega 2001-11-07

Area/Canvas system ready

Hi all,

Long time no news. I have finished the canvas and area part of Toca. They will allow you to dinamically load any installed module and have its own style.

So you can have 'header area' with X modules and 'footer area' with X + Y modules. Alas, the main idea of canvas and areas is to construct header/content/footer, but in reality, since you can have as many areas you like, any kind of division will be possible.... read more

Posted by Julio Nobrega 2001-10-01

So, where is it?

Hi all,

Two major additions are being developed for Toca PHP. First one, 'Groups of Administrators'. Since everything is a module, it is easy to define, per module, what 'powers' users can have, or what actions they can do. Read, write, modify, etc...

On the first release, I already want to Toca PHP have the ability to create Admin Groups, defined by the 'Master Admin'. So, you can have an unlimeted number of users on an unlimeted number of groups to maintain it.... read more

Posted by Julio Nobrega 2001-08-31

Sincronia na Home Page

Ol a todos,

As notcias esto chegando mais velozmente conforme o desenvolvimento do sistema est perto de ficar completo.

Para esta fase, estarei atualizando a pgina da do Toca PHP com, sempre que possvel, a ltima verso rodando em meu computador.

Acessando ou clicando no link "Home Page" ou "Pgina de Entrada", localizado cima, dentro do menu de opes, voc ir poder conferir com as coisas esto andando.... read more

Posted by Julio Nobrega 2001-07-02

Quase pronto.

Ol a todos,

Algumas pessoas j demonstraram interesse no Toca PHP. Fico honrado e reafirmo meu compromisso de lan-lo o mais breve possvel.

Acredito que dentro de uma ou duas semanas j terei o embrio do sistema finalizado, e o divulgarei nesta pgina do

A integrao mdulos-temas est completa. Eu at poderia lanar os arquivos existentes, e permitir aos interessados que desenvolvam os mdulos para o Toca PHP. Porm, funcional no significaria qualidade, e logo no nicio no posso sacrific-la.... read more

Posted by Julio Nobrega 2001-06-29