
Transparent Mobile IP / News: Recent posts

TMip future development

Unfortunately, due to moving house and starting a new job, I have been unable to work on this project since the summer. However, I plan to resolve this in the near future!

The aim is to take the current 0.5a alpha version and push for a stable beta version, as the majority of the primary features are now present. Details will appear later.

If you would like to get involved in the development or testing of TMip, please contact me! ( read more

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-12-17

Developmental version 0.5a

I have made some significant changes to TMip over the past month or so. The major changes are support for multiple mobile interfaces per CN (within the same tmipd instance), and upstream route multiplexing. The latter enables TMip to route/tunnel upstream traffic from mobile clients to specific gateways/CNs (on a per client basis). This allows clients to maintain the same default route off a network (very important if the gateways are running NAT for example). Note that this is an early developmental release! I hope to put up a real release soonish.... read more

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-07-15

TMip v0.14a released..

A few bug fixes and feature enhancements. Includes ability to send HUP/USR1/USR2 signals to control both the MLR and CNs.

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-06-16

Major bug fix in relation to multiple CNs per host

I've just fixed a bug that occurs when using more than one CN per physical node. Previously, the same
tunnel names were being used for every instance of tmipd, hence they end up deleting each others tunnels! So, I've added a 'tunnel_prefix' option to tmipd.rc, and each CN on a single node should define it's own UNIQUE string for this. This will simply get appended onto the front of the tunnel name. The default is 'tmip'. Note that also the default setting for 'purge_tunnels' has changed, it now defaults to true. The fixed version is in CVS, tmipcore module, version 0.13a-cvs.

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-06-08

TMip v0.13a and swig v0.1 released!

I've just posted up the next version of TMip, v0.13a. Lots of new features, and bug fixes. Major changes are the introduction of global address pools for clients, and the ability to run multiple CNs per physical host.

Additionally, a new spin off project, Net::TMip::MLRP has also been released. This is a Perl interface into the MLR and CNs. Great for monitoring your network!

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-06-07

TMip version 0.12a release is out!

Lots of new features (main being integrated DHCP server and configuration file).

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-05-01

CVS development version 0.11a released

I have just updated the CVS repository with the newest development version of TMip (tmipcore). This includes the integrated DHCP server, which is pretty much complete.

Lots of other additions have been made, such as a new configuration file component, so that common options can be stored in a separate file.

See the CVS repository for more details on changes. Once the DHCP server has been fully finished I will post the new file release (0.12a).... read more

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-04-27

DHCP server integration

Work is currently taking place to integrate a DHCP server into TMip. With this, new hosts will be assigned their mobile address allocations dynamically by the CN application, providing the final major component for 'transparency'. The server will also allow data such as client names to be stored in the MLR upon detection. If all goes to plan, the next release (or at least major CVS update) including the DHCP server, will be on (or near) Friday 11th April.

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-04-08

TMip goes alpha - Initial release!

I'm pleased to announce that the first release of TMip has gone live. I hope that it helps users address their mobility problems!

Posted by Simon Chudley 2003-04-02