
Conversion Has begun

Hi Folks what we are attempting to do , and I sincerely hope to see this happen, is to convert all the fantastic written knowledge out there on the TLDP Project into audio and then Video format
If you think about this for a moment it will be plain to moost of you that this is an inevitable progression and also a necessary one, with the proliferation of multimedia devices and the ability to store and transfer large anounts of data across the net being commonplace more and more people are looking for ways to rest the tired eyes and give the ears a chance to do some work, the ability to sit back and listen to a HOWTo or a guide or other reference material on your way home from work, or on the train commute into the office or wherever you choose is something that i think alot of people will want
with that said
i want to make it happen
so thats why we are here
hope you find this helpful
comments and feed back welcomed

Posted by Matthew S barnes 2003-11-20

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