
Tuner List CDC Emulator / News: Recent posts

Website updated

The website at has been updated with, among other things, a new hardware adapter schema and some pictures.
The pinout has also been added for "Update List" models, and the PIC-based version now also has a dedicated page.
The protocol page is also regularly updated.

Posted by Vicne 2006-04-08

TLCDCEmu v0.4 released

Many bugfixes and new features in this release, including a contextual RoadRunner plugin (e.g, the stalk up/down controls change track in music screen, and zoom in/out in GPS screen). See release notes for more information.

Posted by Vicne 2006-04-08

Python version updated to v4

The python version has been updated to v4 with new fixes and features.

Posted by Vicne 2006-04-08

New package : PIC based emulator

After the "Full-featured" Java and the "no-nonsense" Python version, a third package is now hosted here: It's a completely different approach in that it is a purely hardware based emulator. Current version must not be considered final of course.

Posted by Vicne 2006-04-08

Protocol page updated

The protocol description has been updated at

Posted by Vicne 2006-03-18

Website revamped

The project website at has been redesigned and updated with tons of information about hardware, python version and plugins

Posted by Vicne 2006-03-12

TLCDCEmu v0.3 released

The first "feature-complete" release of the Java version has just been uploaded. See release notes on the download page for details

Posted by Vicne 2006-03-12

Python version added

The smallest Tuner List CDC emulator in the world was written in Python by Pippolippi and is now hosted here too. Previous versions were uploaded too for archive.

Posted by Vicne 2006-03-12

TLCDCEmu v0.2 released

Not yet complete, but this release allows easy activation of SPDIF input and proof-of-concept GUI plugin to update track number on the display.
A howto has been added on

Posted by Vicne 2006-03-05