
Version 2.2.3 Released

TkTreeCtrl 2.2.3 is now available.

Build Changes

* When building with configure on Windows the --enable-shellicon option will run configure in the shellicon/ subdirectory.
* 'make dist' will create the source distribution tktreectrl-VERSION.tar.gz.
* 'make dist-win' will create the Windows binary distribution

Bug Fixes

* Fixed flickering when redrawing the borders with "-doublebuffer window" when the widget was resized or parts of it were exposed.
* Fixed undefined reference to vsnprintf when building with the MS compiler under Windows; it should be _vsnprintf.
* Fixed a symbol conflict with Python 2.5 on ELF-based systems which also defines a symbol "Ellipsis".

Posted by Tim Baker 2007-02-06

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