
#3090 Notebook in Paned Window crashes app when closed

current: 8.6.0

Scid vs PC uses embeded toplevels inside notebook and panedwidnows.
All wish-8.5 series code is fine, but 8.6.0 and todays (April 6) trunk
crash when closing a panedwindow and/or notebook.Via keyboard bindings.

svn co
cd scidvspc
./configure TCL_VERSION=8.6
make install
press f2 twice

X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 10 (X_UnmapWindow)
Resource id in failed request: 0x3e00995
Serial number of failed request: 34177
Current serial number in output stream: 34182

Sorry for the shitty bug report. I'm trying to find a testcase , but so far am unable.


  • Steven

    Steven - 2013-04-11

    To be a little more specific, i think the problem is not related to Key input,
    but rather the order of widget destroy.
    This code works

    set tabid [$w select]
    $w forget $tabid
    destroy $tabid
    _cleanup_tabs $w

    but this code fails

    proc createToplevelFinalize {w} {
    if { $::docking::USE_DOCKING } {
    bind $w <Destroy> +[ namespace code "::docking::cleanup $w %W"]

    Any ideas on a work around even ? But i think wish-8.6.0 code is faulty.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2013-04-11

    Well that is weird.
    If i remove the two catches here, i can avoid a fail under some conditions.
    Is bug related to "catch" itself ?

    catch {
    bind $w <Destroy> {}
    bind $dockw <Destroy> {}

    # Maybe during Scid closing, some race conditions lead to exceptions ? In case, catch this by default
    catch {
    foreach nb [array names tbs] {
    if { [lsearch [$nb tabs] $dockw ] != -1 } {
    $nb forget $dockw
    destroy $dockw
    ::docking::_cleanup_tabs $nb

  • Steven

    Steven - 2013-04-11

    Ok - this seems resolved.
    App is probably detroying a non-existing window.

    Wish-8.6 should probably not crash though. Cheers.

  • Steven

    Steven - 2013-04-11

    Bug in Wish-8.6 seems to be one with "catch"

    Catching this code is generating core dumps.
    Without the catch, it works fine (note the extraneous destroy is commented out)

    catch {
    foreach nb [array names tbs] {
    if { [lsearch [$nb tabs] $dockw ] != -1 } {
    $nb forget $dockw
    ### This seems wrong
    # destroy $dockw
    ::docking::_cleanup_tabs $nb