Tom Turkey - 2012-08-14

This is the README file for tk# (pronounced t k number).

tk# is a spreadsheet that enhanced from a file on the
internet also named tk# by one Martin Vermeer
because I was tired of trying to check out formulas
using row and column numbers. tk# uses row and column
names instead of numbers. Operations over several
named rows or columns by specifying a pattern found in
one or more of the names is a feature.

tk# is written in tcl/tk. This means you have all of the
power of tcl/tk at your finger tips. This includes all the
standard math functions, conditional expressions and much more.
tk# is extensible by writing tcl/tk scripts and then just
referencing them in the cell equations.

To install tk# download the 'tar' file and unarchive it.
You can put it most anywhere but you should keep all the
files in the tk# directory together. Then all you need
to do is to put the tk# directory in your path. You can
also put a link to tk#/tk# where ever you would like
(for example ~/bin), in which case you do not need to
put the tk# directory in your path.

For those of you who would like to use this with windows I
recommend activestate for the tcl/tk package. I am also
aware of some problems which I have not tried to follow up
on. Try it if you like and write me if you want more info.

Tom Turkey