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As of 11-17-15 The Main Download source will be at:

turnkey-odoo-14.0-jessie-amd64.iso is available for Download there as well as in "Files" here.
Other build structures are also available on the page. The Hub Build is coming soon.

Documentation we will beging Developing at:

Current Version available as ISO in Files. Github source reference below.

Magento Connector works well. (Is not currently part of the TKL Build but a relatively easy addition)

Odoo: https://$ipaddr
Web shell: https://$ipaddr:12320
Webmin: https://$ipaddr:12321
AdminerDBM: https://$ipaddr:12322
SSH/SFTP: root@$ipaddr (port 22)

Security Points:

Unisigned SSL: The system builds with usable but "unsigned" SSL. This allows full encryption, but because of the distributed nature of the ISO build "DNS Identitfied" SSL is not possible out of the box.

Signed SSL: Full Signed SSL is easily installable. SSL Certificates must be purchased and applied. The Apache OpenSSL variety is the one that needs to be aquired. Full information on install process will follow.


Help: Use Ticketing here for quick queries and comments. I can help you with DNS Registration, SSL aquisition and install, Email coordination etc. Work on individual sites will follow with proposal. Contact me off my main site at https www nomadic net.


Odoo v 8.0 is a remarkable open source business management solution. Out of the box you can run your sales process, customer support, manufacuring as well as your web page.

Community modules can be easily included. We have removed them to keep in synch with the TurnkeyLinux default ilnstall, but will build Variations which include important modules.

Main point of focusk are OCA (Odoo Community Association) connectors.

These extend the base Odoo product. We will be filling further information here and on our GitHub development site as we move forward.

Full information is available at

Significant Sets of Community Addons can be added (and have been part of the full build along the way):

Parse the Addon's path for quick info:

addons_path =

(which you can expand to)
addons_path = /opt/openerp/odoo/addons,/opt/openerp/oca/account-analytic,/opt/openerp/oca/account-closing,/opt/openerp/oca/account-financial-tools,/opt/openerp/oca/commission,/opt/openerp/oca/connector,/opt/openerp/oca/connector-ecommerce,/opt/openerp/oca/connector-interfaces,/opt/openerp/oca/connector-magento,/opt/openerp/oca/crm,/opt/openerp/oca/e-commerce,/opt/openerp/oca/event,/opt/openerp/oca/knowledge,/opt/openerp/oca/manufacture,/opt/openerp/oca/multi-company,/opt/openerp/oca/oca_server_tools,/opt/openerp/oca/pos,/opt/openerp/oca/product-attribute,/opt/openerp/oca/project,/opt/openerp/oca/sale-workflow,/opt/openerp/oca/social,/opt/openerp/oca/web,/opt/openerp/oca/website

I Like to build in a Simple Text Editor with the following example - then delete the carriage returns.

addons_path = /opt/openerp/odoo/addons,

Many sources of documentation on all of this such as:

Treating this like a Changelog.
v14 Official TKL Build. WebConsole and most Doc's removed.

v12 Attempting to work in more flow on the web-console.
(documents line) in /var/www/index.php is missing a port# (not many docs there yet but a few good links)

If uploaded TKL ODOO Master 11-13-15" please replace and reinstall with Turnkey Odoo Jessie 14.0 now in Files. This is the official ISO and can also be downloaded from the paragraph below. For some reason the 11-13-15 ISO was truncated "size wise" in the upload so this recomendation.

Git Source at:

This is the default page, edit it as you see fit. To add a new page simply reference it within brackets, e.g.: [SamplePage].

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.


  • Landis

    Landis - 2015-05-22

    Deciphering the purpose of openerp-server.conf and openerp-server-man.conf

    I found this nice comparison tool

    Great Explanation for openerp-server.conf from VionBlog (helped me set up Openerp 7 also)

    Note this ISO is for ODOO 8 (would have been OpenERP 8 but they changed the name)


    Last edit: Landis 2015-05-22
  • Landis

    Landis - 2015-05-22

    From Tonin:

    When using the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] variable in an apache virtual host setup with a ServerAlias directive, be sure to check the UseCanonicalName apache directive. If it is On, this variable will always have the apache ServerName value. If it is Off, it will have the value given by the headers sent by the browser.

    Depending on what you want to do the content of this variable, put in On or Off.


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