Activity for TkinterTreectrl

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Your widget has found its place in too many of my projects. I could easily bind the double click and delete key. I wonder if I could use drag n drop between two multilistboxes.

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for sharing. If someone is interested, I added a new version of the ExtMultiListbox module that includes a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class to the wiki page.

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on a wiki page

    Version 0.2 This version now includes a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class.

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The promised library with some test code.

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are right, the ScrolledMultiListbox class should go into the ScrolledTreectrl module, sorry for that. The vertical scrollbar problem appears to be a treectrl issue, I don't think that something is wrong with my code here. Calling yview_moveto(0.0) after creating the contents should do the trick here.

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It wasn't that simple, but I managed to add ScrolledExtMultiListbox class to your library, I will upload the whole code with a demo soon. The only bug that I found, that is also common in ScrolledMultiListbox, is that if the widget starts with a vertical scrollbar shown then the first row that is visible is the second row (someone could accidentally miss the first row).

  • klappnase klappnase modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If it makes it it into the library there will certainly be a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class. For now you should be able to easily set one up yourself using the ScrolledWidget class. I haven't tested this, I believe it should work though, just add this snippet to right before the demo code: class ScrolledMultiListbox(ScrolledWidget): '''ExtMultiListbox widget with one or two static or automatic scrollbars. Subwidgets are: listbox - TkTreectrl.ExtMultiListbox widget hbar - horizontal...

  • klappnase klappnase modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If it makes it it into the library there will certainly be a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class. For now you should be able to easily set one up yourself using the ScrolleWidget class. I haven't tested this, I believe it should work though, just add this snippet to right before the demo code: class ScrolledMultiListbox(ScrolledWidget): '''ExtMultiListbox widget with one or two static or automatic scrollbars. Subwidgets are: listbox - TkTreectrl.ExtMultiListbox widget hbar - horizontal...

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If it makes it it into the library there will certainly be a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class. For now you should be able to easily set one up yourself using the ScrolleWidget class. I haven't tested this, I believe it should work though, just add this snippet to right before the demo code: class ScrolledMultiListbox(ScrolledWidget): '''ExtMultiListbox widget with one or two static or automatic scrollbars. Subwidgets are: listbox - TkTreectrl.ExtMultiListbox widget hbar - horizontal...

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am testing your code today. It works quite well. I am hoping for a ScrolledExtMultiListbox class.

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am testing your code today. My first observation : no auto scrolling (horizontal or vertical).

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am testing your code today. My first observation is no auto scrolling (horizontal or vertical).

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am very happy reading your reply to my request so quickly. I am going to test your new module as soon as possible.

  • klappnase klappnase modified a comment on a wiki page

    Version 0.1 Edit: attached pydoc html manual

  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I have been planning to add an extended version of the MultiListbox class to the library for some time now. It is a bit of work in progress still and basically requires further testing. There may or may not be parts of the class where some API changes might be advisable, right now I am not sure about that. Still, I think it should be already usable as a custom widget that you could add to your own code. Among other new features it has support for checkboxes already built in. For now I added it...

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on a wiki page

    Version 0.1

  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am new in python and struggling to find a nice resizable and sortable listbox widget. Your fancy_multilistbox example is superb, but I would like to add a column of checkboxes. I show that in mailwasher demo of Is this possible in MultiListbox widget, and how can I achieve that? An idea is to use an icon, like the one in fancy_multilistbox, that it would change upon click.

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am new in python and struggling to find a nice resizable and sortable listbox widget. Your fancy_multilistbox example is superb, but I would like to add a column of checkboxes. I show that in mailwasher demo of Is this possible in MultiListbox widget, and how can I achieve that?

  • Nikolaos S. Nikolaos S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am new to python and struggling to find a nice resizable and sortable listbox widget. Your fancy_multilistbox example is superb, but I would like to add a column of checkboxes. I show that in mailwasher demo of Is this possible in MultiListbox widget, and how can I achieve that?

  • klappnase klappnase posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for the late reply. You are right, I know what you mean, the default horizontal scrolling behavior may appear a bit odd. You might want to have a look at the widget's xscrollincrement option. I have been using something like xscrollincrement=5 for smooth horizontal scrolling.

  • Shaun Uldrikis Shaun Uldrikis posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is it possible to modify the horizontal scrolling so that it does not simply Snap to the next full viewable section? I'd expect it to scroll with the mouse movement, allowing for partial columns to be viewed.

  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase created a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • klappnase klappnase modified a wiki page


  • TkinterTreectrl TkinterTreectrl released /TkinterTreectrl-2.0/