
Minimizing the UI

Trevor Williams
minimized.png (17344 bytes)

Minimizing the UI

There are a plethora of text editing tools that exist for things as simple as jotting down notes to things as advanced as writing novels or screenplays, and along with those tools, an emphasis on minimizing the UI to help make your content be front and center usually distinguishes the best from the rest.

TKE’s default UI is designed to be a minimalistic as possible, eliminating UI elements that don’t always need to be there. Even as minimalistic as the out-of-the-box UI is, if you want to remove even more UI elements from view either by default or temporarily, TKE has you covered.

Fully minimized TKE Editor

Changing on the Fly

If you only momentarily want to remove/add UI elements, you can do so from the View menu. At the top of this menu are the controls for showing or hiding the following main UI elements:

  • Sidebar – the UI element at the left of the window which displays current directories/files in use
  • Tab bar – UI element above the editing buffer which allow you to quickly switch between different files
  • Status bar – UI element at the bottom of the window which gives you current file information.
  • Line numbers – Line numbers displayed on the left side of the editing buffer.

To create a minimal editing environment (that is just a single editing buffer), simply hide each of the above UI elements. Or if you prefer, show only the those that are useful.

Customizing the Default UI

Though the View menu options give you full control of the UI, these settings are only temporary. Once the application is exited, those settings will be forgotten and the default view options will be displayed when TKE is re-launched. To change the default UI view, display the preferences window, select the View panel and change any of the following options:

  • Show sidebar
  • Show tab bar
  • Show status bar
  • Show line numbers
  • Show menubar (this is only available for Linux and Windows environments)

Just a few quick changes and you too can be editing like a Zen-master in a clean, UI-less environment without sacrificing any of the powerful editing capabilities of TKE.


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