
TizOz OS : Operating System / News: Recent posts

Multiboot Standard Kernel

After release 0.0.7 of TizOzos kernel the binary is multiboot compilant, therefor Grub can be used to boot the kernel.

Posted by esteve espuna sargatal 2005-10-07

Source Forge CVS

I've stoped using the SourceForge CVS, I've set up my own subversion server. From now on I'll try to submit regulary the sources under the file release section. If anyone is interested in forking the project please get in conntact with me, and I'll have no problem in sendin the whole SVN repository.

Posted by esteve espuna sargatal 2004-07-03

Changelog for the CVS tizozmonolithic

2003-12-19 02:40 tiztelesup

* boot.asm: Comentaris a boot

2003-12-19 02:24 tiztelesup

* boot.asm: Cosmetics de posicionament del kernel a 0x0c...

2003-12-19 01:38 tiztelesup

* Makefile, boot.asm, main.c: Now the kernel is at 0x0c000000 we
can begin to separate user space from kernel space

2003-12-19 01:02 tiztelesup

* Makefile, boot.asm, main.c: Now we can put the kernel anywhere in
the memory, we select it in boot.asm... read more

Posted by esteve espuna sargatal 2003-12-19