
#1389 Titan Panel overlaps player buffs


Titan Panel v8.08
This only occurs on some of my alts. The player buff frame does not get adjusted and thus appears overlapped by titan panel.


  • urnati

    urnati - 2024-03-17

    Does this happen in Classic WOTLK / Wrath? Or Classic Era as well?

  • urnati

    urnati - 2024-03-17

    Also, there is an adjustment in Titan Config
    Configuration > Advanced > Buff Icon Vertical Adjustment

    You should be able to move the buff frame below Titan Bar(s).
    You may also consider using Short Bars, depending on your Titan usage.

  • cloggie

    cloggie - 2024-03-24

    This is occurring in Retail. Titan Panel v8.0.9
    I don't have Buff Icon Vertical Adjustment anywhere in Titan Panel settings. The only settings in Titan Panel > Advanced, is Output > Name and Version, Plugin Registration Process.
    I have checked every other Titan Panel config menu, there is no Vertical Adjustment setting


    Last edit: cloggie 2024-03-24
  • urnati

    urnati - 2024-03-24

    In Retail, you are correct. The adjust feature was removed because retail WoW allows users to place most frames where they want - Edit Mode.
    If you don't want to move the Buff frame, consider using Short Bars which are Titan bars you can place. See Titan Config > Help for details.

  • cloggie

    cloggie - 2024-03-24

    Thanks for helping. I can move the buff frame in Edit Mode as you suggested. I just had to select Buffs and Debuffs from the options first.


    Last edit: cloggie 2024-03-25
  • Dosmod

    Dosmod - 2024-06-02

    Classic CATA here. Titan 8.0.12
    I probably have the same issue (if not a similar one and i think it was there since prepatch)
    Doesn't happen to all characters, and only happens on login.
    On characters with the issue, buff frame starts about 13pixels higher. Reloading UI fixes it everytime and it stays on the correct spot until logout.

    Note: I had the "buff icon vertical adjustment" set to -13 (I don't remember setting this myself)
    I now have it set to +13 to get them where i want them with the character that works everytime even on login.
    On the problematic characters initial login puts them where I want them with the slider set to 0.
    But on reloadUI they move down so +13 becomes my desired setting

  • Dosmod

    Dosmod - 2024-06-05

    Fstack shows the exact same anchor and offsets in both positions (without touching any setting, before reloadingUI and after when the frame moves down)

  • urnati

    urnati - 2024-06-05

    The -13 is the default used in the code. The user can adjust as needed.
    Are you using different addons per toon?

    Life is busy atm but I'll review the Classic code so I can ask better questions.

    If you use Discord, you may want to poke me there to get better response time. The 'notify' from here is not consistent and can take a day or more at times.

  • Dosmod

    Dosmod - 2024-06-08

    You are right, I had two addons disabled on the problematic characters and enabling them made the issue go away.
    So I did what I probably should have done in the first place. Started a new character no addons except Titan+all plugins and then started enabling everything one at a time.
    Quartz (updated to latest 1-May-24) is the addon that causes the issue. I couldn't find any other combination without Quartz enabled that has the problem although some combinations including quartz enabled were fine. Shared library issue maybe?
    If it matters in anyway, disabling TPVolume and TPPerformance, issue is gone. Enabling either one along with Quartz and the issue is back.
    Sorry for wasting your time with this.

  • urnati

    urnati - 2024-06-08

    Glad you found why the buff frame was moved!

    Disabling Volume & Performance surprised me. The presence of the top bar should shift the buff frame.


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