It seems that within the layerOps system that a flaw was formed.
The LayerOps forced you to use an expression after declaring your function. (e.x....
'Print Text' <- This was forced.
Thanks to the new structuring system thats fixed. Now you can simple declare then fast and easy.
Also the infinate BASIC function loop was fixed.
Glad to anounce the parser will be released shortly. (TiqiParser Pre-Apla 0.0.1)
The parser will most likely be extreamely buggy with a few faults. But we will overcome this to bring you a stable, fast tiqi compiler. Please keep checking up for updates.
Today the development of the Tiqi compiler has gone underway. As the language is still premature we plan to add-on to it while the compiler comes closer to completion. Hopefully the compiler will be built within 2-3 months worth time. (Alpa versions will probably arrive sooner.)