
Problems & solutions for server installation

  • Martin Wunderlich

    Hi all,

    I just tried to install the TinyTM server on a clean installation of PostgreSQL, with no previous installation of PO and ran into a number of problems. In case anyone else is in the same situation, I thought I'd summarise the problems and my solutions/workarounds. FYI, this was on Windows XP.



    Problem 1:  ERROR: null value in column "salt" violates not-null constraint
    Root cause: gen_salt not working
    Error msg:
    NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "tinytm_users_pk" for table "tinytm_users"
    NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "tinytm_users_username_un" for table "tinytm_users"
    NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "tinytm_users_email_un" for table "tinytm_users"

    ERROR: null value in column "salt" violates not-null constraint
    SQL state: 23502
    Workaround:   Remove "not null" constraint from tinytm_users_email_un in

    Problem 2: language "plpgsql" not loaded
    Root cause: The language has not been loaded.
    Error msg:
    ERROR: language "plpgsql" does not exist
    SQL state: 42704
    Hint: Use CREATE LANGUAGE to load the language into the database.
    Solution: Execute SQl statement "CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql" before running the "tinytm-create-procedures.sql" script

    Problem 3: Current PostgreSQL DB user is not in Tinytm user table
    Error msg:
    ERROR: tinytm_current_user_id: Could not determine user_id for current user "admin".
    SQL state: P0001
    Context: PL/pgSQL function "tinytm_new_segment" line 56 at assignment
    PL/pgSQL function "tinytm_new_segment" line 9 at assignment
    SQL statement "SELECT  tinytm_new_segment('en', 'de', 'This is a book', 'Dies ist ein Buch')"
    PL/pgSQL function "inline_0" line 4 at perform
    Solution: Run insert SQL for current user (i.e. the user that you're logged in with in PostgreSQL) to create a TinyTM user with the username of the PostgreSQL user. Alternatively, create a DB user for the TinyTM default user "" before starting the server installation.

    Problem 4: relation "acs_magic_objects" does not exist when running tinytm-create-user.sql
    Error msg:
    ERROR: relation "acs_magic_objects" does not exist
    SQL state: 42P01
    Workaround: Remove the line "GRANT SELECT ON acs_magic_objects TO bbigboss;" from tinytm-create-user.sql

    Problem 5: When using the Word client, it complains that Macros are disabled.
    Solutions: go to Tools>Macro>Security and set to "low" or "medium". Re-open the doc.

    Problem 6: Connection problem with the Word client when using a port other than the default port.
    Workaround: Modify the Word macro and include the port in the connect string, e.g.:
    ConnectString = "Provider=" + connProvider + ";DRIVER=" + connDriver + ";SERVER=" + connServer + ";PORT=" + connPort + ";DATABASE=" + connDatabase + ";UID=" + connUser + ";PWD=" + connPassword
    Solution: I have sent an updated Word client to Frank where you can set the port for the server in the connection settings dialogue.

    • Yan Yu

      Yan Yu - 2008-08-07

      This is how I fixed the following error,

      ERROR: null value in column "salt" violates not-null constraint
      SQL state: 23502

      On tinytm-create-standalone.sql,

      - Before (missing a value in the insert statement)

      insert into tinytm_users values (

      - After (added the user name test)

      insert into tinytm_users values (
          'test',  <-- added to fix the error

      I think the problem is that the insert statement is missing a value.  The tinytm_users table has 7 columns.  The original insert statement only has 6 values.

      Use the PostgreSQL account name you logged in as the added username (in this case 'test').  Otherwise, you will get an error when you run tinytm-create-procedures.sql.

      RROR: tinytm_current_user_id: Could not determine user_id for current user "admin".
      SQL state: P0001
      Context: PL/pgSQL function "tinytm_new_segment" line 56 at assignment
      PL/pgSQL function "tinytm_new_segment" line 9 at assignment
      SQL statement "SELECT  tinytm_new_segment('en', 'de', 'This is a book', 'Dies ist ein Buch')"
      PL/pgSQL function "inline_0" line 4 at PERFORM


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-27


    tinytm-create-standalone.sql - (fix user query) the missing username (2nd column) must be the db user used to admin the TMX db
    tinytm-create-procedures.sql - must add language first plpgsql (to the postgres DB)

    tinytm-create-user.sql REMOVE -GRANT SELECT ON acs_magic_objects TO ; if you don't use OPENACS

  • karlmc15

    karlmc15 - 2010-02-22
    • Create a new default user. The funny sha1(gen_salt('md5')) creates a "salt" (=random data
    • to mix with password) for cryptographic reasons. Then set the user's password. The password
    • is "system". However, we don't want to store the plain-text password in the DB, so we only
    • store a cryptographic hash value.
      INSERT INTO "tinytm_users" VALUES ('1', 'postgres', 'admin@localhost', 'aaa', 'cc', '3DB0CDB24602C50E75CAA3B9CE705B9D653D4BF2', 'B7AF7DC6EA42B79D1CABB50B1123D48B72BC7524');
      -user:postgres  pass: System hoac system
      //hoac lam bang tay roi thuc hien 2 query sau:
      userID=1; username= postgres, email..bat ky, pass=System:
      2 query:
      update tinytm_users set salt = sha1(gen_salt('md5'))
      where email = '';
      update tinytm_users set password = sha1('system' || salt)
      where email = '';
  • karlmc15

    karlmc15 - 2010-02-22


    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>createlang -U postgres -d tinyTM plpgsql

    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin>


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