
Scoping Report

Yan Yu
  • Yan Yu

    Yan Yu - 2008-08-07

    Hi Frank, is scoping on the roadmap?  I think most end-users will need to be able to scope to determine workload and pricing information.


    P.S.  I loaded TinyTM on PostgreSQL 8.3 and tested with the client Word doc on Office 2003.  I think it is a good start.  It will be nice to be able to scope though.  :)

    • Frank Bergmann

      Frank Bergmann - 2009-01-20

      Hi Yan,

      I'm not 100% sure what you refer to as "scoping".

      The TinyTM protocol already contains the concepts of "tags", which are basically a lightweight semantic markup. For example a tag "oracle" could refer to the customer "Oracle", to name an example. Would this be a kind of "scoping"?


    • DavidF

      DavidF - 2009-01-21

      Hi Frank, Yan means analysis. Just FYI, analysis is called scoping in Idiom WS and DWB :-)

    • Frank Bergmann

      Frank Bergmann - 2009-01-22


      > Yan means analysis

      Thanks for the clarification!

      > Hi Frank, is scoping on the roadmap?

      It's actually already there, technically (from the point of view of
      the TinyTM server). Analyis/Scoping would just be a look to look
      through all segments of a source text to check against the TM

      We'd have to implement this "loop" on the client still. Good point.
      Let's include that in the next version of the MS-Word client.



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