
Trigram matching

A. Leeman
  • A. Leeman

    A. Leeman - 2009-02-09

    Hi there,

    As I understand it, trigram matching is already possible in PostgreSQL but not part of the standard fuzzy-matching procedures of TinyTM as yet. Has anyone integrated this already or is working on this?



    • Peter Tužinský

      It is a part of PostgreSQL. I have tried it in naive way by some tutorial. I constructed trigram index and used search function. It was approximatly 8times quicker than levenstein. But i think that this use was not optimised. If anyone knows how to use trigram indexes optimaly, let us know.
      I thougth that trigrams should be quicker than 8x times levenstein. I tried it on DB containing roughly 600k segments.


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