
Google Translate vs. Tiny TM

  • Seomatikus

    Seomatikus - 2008-11-24

    Hello friends,

    As I know Google uses the same way to translate texts (Translation Memory). I want to ask you can I organize something like this: ?

    I want copibility for moderators to add phrases to the database and for guest to use this service.

    Can I add new languages? Is there is grammer configuration?

    Sorry for my English but I am the worst Russian that knows this butifull  language so bad :)

    • Frank Bergmann

      Frank Bergmann - 2009-01-20

      Hi Seomatikus,

      It seems you're looking for "machine translation" (MT).

      However the TinyTM project only aims at creating a "Translation Memory" (TM). That's something really different from MT.

      A TM only stores "segments" (=sentences) that a human translator has translated. This way, these bi- or multilingual segments can serve as an input to MT, or allow to reuse translation if the translator has to translate the same text a second time (example: The next version of a software manual with only a few changes).


      • Niko Papula

        Niko Papula - 2009-01-21


        In understood that Seomatikus would like to have a public TinyTM server that could be used in a as simple way as Google Machine Translation. That is, as an open, public service.

        We've been thinking about this too and it is interesting. We are integrating our localization tool to TinyTM and would like to co-operate also related to public TinyTM service.

        Seomatikus, would you like to co-operate with us in creating a public TinyTM service?

        tel. +358-50-58 69 145

    • Frank Bergmann

      Frank Bergmann - 2009-01-22


      There is already a public TinyTM server available at, hosted by Reinhard Schäler's LRC at University of Limerick. We'd still have to work out some license agreement determining intellectual property rights of contents and possibly work on the technical side to approve user requests etc., but the service essentially already exists.



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