TinyMT is a very fast random number generator..It produces high quality random numbers that pass the BigCrush and AdaptiveCrush tests.
This project is a port of the TinyMT project on GitHub, which is written in C:
My updates to this project include:
1. Ported the project over to C++.
2. Ported the project over to C#.
3. Made the class retain state .vs. passing in the state each time a ran number is needed.
4. Added a method to fill an array with random bytes - see GetRandBytes().
5. Renamed methods, constants and types to something easier to use and remember.
6. Better documentation,
7. Wrote tests to show that both the C++ and C# versions produce the same rngs as the original C code.
8. Added benchmark tests.
9. Wrote a separate test project to benchmark pInvoke calls from C# to the TinyMT C++ methods.
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