
tinymath / News: Recent posts

release 0.0.7

Ok the release it out. So before you use this release you should know that the vector2/3/4 and matrix2/3/4 are removed and implemented as specialized template versions. I have made an opengl example so you can see how to use it. This example needs freeglut so download it from this sourceforge page.
Have fun,

Cengiz Terzibas

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-09-10

Please send bug reports

If you are using tinymath it would be really helpful if you post here bugs you found. Don't be lazy. Everybody should benefit from that information and this project.

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-08-31


This version is only a bugfix version for tinymath 0.0.6. Wrong normalisation function was used in the rot functions for matrices.

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-08-28

Info for the coming release-0.0.7

Hi fellows

This release will have a major change. I will/have made specialized templates of the classes vector2/3/4 and matrix2/3/4. Only one vector class is possible: vectorn<T,tupel> and the same with matrices: matrix<T,row, column>. I'm sorry that I don't introduced them earlier. But this is a necessery step.
But don't think that it is going to slower than the 0.0.6 version. It's only template specialization :).

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-07-13


More bug fixing. Changed documentation a bit :)

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-06-26

release 0.0.5

This release includes bugfixes for the gcc compiler.

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-02-25

release 0.0.4

Ok, new release is out. Fixed some syntax bugs. I have removed the other releases. Don't forget. This project is in beta state yet. ;)

Posted by Yaakuro 2007-01-18

release 0.0.3

Ok, in this release i have fixed several bugs. so don't use older versions.

Posted by Yaakuro 2006-12-22


Hi folks

It's realy important that I get feedback from you. If you have any suggestion what can be done better , comments or any other wishes, please let me know. I hope this project is as soon as possible in a stable release.

Cengiz Terzibas

Posted by Yaakuro 2006-11-30

release 0.0.2

Some bug are fixed in this version. Still it is not a stable release. Don't use tinymath till version 0.1.0 is out or if it is anounced as stable.

Posted by Yaakuro 2006-11-30

stable release

The stable release for tinymath will be the 0.1.0 version.

Posted by Yaakuro 2006-11-29

release 0.0.1

You should know that this version is realy testing version. there are a lot of bugs that aren't fixed. The next release, 0.0.2 will fix these bugs.

Posted by Yaakuro 2006-11-29