
#20 Worlds lose PageUp history


% TinyFugue version 5.0 beta 7.
Linux evolve 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Tue Aug 16 13:22:48 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

I have noticed this bug since I started using 5.0 at beta 5 or so. I will update to 5.0 beta 8 shortly but I know this bug is still present as I have had a beta 8 user ask me if I knew what was causing it.

As a developer myself I know this bug report will be a bit frustrating to receive but I am unsure what other information I can provide that will be helpful.

The ability to page-up and review immediate scrollback in a world is very useful. Unfortunately, tf seems to occasionally lose the ability to do this - hitting PageUp gives a mostly-black screen with one previously undisplayed line at the bottom - ie, it's as if the previous screen was a bunch of blank lines with only one line of data. This behavior is per-world (other worlds are not affected) and seems to be unfixable without restarting tf.

I have absolutely no idea what causes it. :(

/recall is unaffected and works exactly as it should.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I experience this issue as well on an Ubuntu 8.04.1.

    % TinyFugue version 5.0 beta 7.
    % Built for Linux #1 SMP Fri May 13 09:24:22 UTC 2005 2.6.10

    Linux feem 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

    Unfortunately I have no additional information to provide other than a confirmation of the report.

  • Tara McGrew

    Tara McGrew - 2010-09-22

    I'm seeing a similar issue. The page-up buffer shrinks, not all at once, but it seems to get smaller over time.


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