
tinyBug / Blog: Recent posts

[Bugfix] Update

Hello World!

Long time no see! Here some notes for the new version:

  • Fixed: Crash caused by using the filter due switching the options fast.
  • Fixed: Creash if you entered a too long string in description, solution or reproduc way of an entry.
  • Changed: FAQ is now only in the symbolbar and removed from the main menu.
  • Added: Descriptions for the text fields in the symbolbar.
Posted by Tobias Jacobi 2012-05-17

[Normal] Update

  • Added some new ICONs.
    ++ Thats why the file is so "big" now... :-)
Posted by Tobias Jacobi 2011-08-03

[Bugfix] Update

Hello World,

Added some bugfixes in this version:

  • Attachments now can be opened temporary.
  • Attachments now can be saved.
  • Internal code improvements for better performance.

If you found something acutally in this small featured tracker feel free to use the ticket system here.


Posted by Tobias Jacobi 2011-08-03 Labels: Bugfixes

Its starts...

Now we have a SourecForge Accout and im gonna to set it up for you :)

Greetings to all.

Posted by Tobias Jacobi 2011-07-30