Activity for Tinted Window

  • Tinted Window Tinted Window released /TintedWindow-1.11.jar

  • ejhunter committed [6b80ef]

    Added try with resources to the data streams

  • ejhunter committed [7e7ff0]

    Added support for platforms only supporting per...

  • Tinted Window Tinted Window released /README

  • Tinted Window Tinted Window released /TintedWindow-1.1.jar

  • Euan J Hunter Euan J Hunter modified a wiki page


  • Euan J Hunter Euan J Hunter posted a comment on discussion Updates

    The Java 7 update is finally here ;)

  • Euan J Hunter Euan J Hunter modified a wiki page


  • ejhunter committed [2b64f2]

    Fixed Linux mouse handling - can't tell which m...

  • ejhunter committed [a54875]

    Added arguments to Windows constructor

  • ejhunter committed [bbfd47]

    Started working on Java 7 update for school

  • ejhunter committed [101ebb]

    Implemented mouse lead resizing, mouse sectorin...

  • ejhunter committed [a6c308]

    Fixed mouse being able to get ahead of resizing...

  • ejhunter committed [7040b9]

    Added call to invoke window on event dispatch t...

  • ejhunter committed [ae0032]

    Added TODOs

  • ejhunter committed [7c7568]

    Moved everything inside the src folder

  • ejhunter committed [bda536]

    Finished Java 7 Update

  • ejhunter committed [ec1987]

    Started work on new update after far too long

  • ejhunter committed [4f427a]

    Removed bin

  • ejhunter committed [2a0edb]

    Added always on top, except in OS X due to righ...

  • ejhunter committed [2f53a3]

    Updated README

  • ejhunter committed [458bb5]

    Formatted Code

  • ejhunter committed [2ce02e]

    Blarg 2

  • ejhunter committed [f2e4c9]

    Blarg 1

  • ejhunter committed [0e7aeb]

    Fixed Options size and button positions

  • ejhunter committed [4c7946]

    Fixed advanced colour not updating