
I have to update my header file. Take out the old. Bring in the new.

I have some old code in my header file. I have to remove it/archive it and bring in my new code. It will include fire codes, my adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers and computer files in different numerical bases.
Now I don't need all that all the time just some of it. I have to be able to add files to roll a binary counter. It just dependes on what I am doing. And I will be keeping the ability to roll binary counters to get from a source to a target. Then I will be adding in constructing binary files from check-sums without counters. This requires being able to use very high numerical bases. And, I have to update my statistics routines to generate check-sums of unknown computer files. I will probably be updating that a lot for a while. This will take a bit but I am on it. If you goto and search my name lloyd burris it will bring up all my books about this subject.This project is about being able to use math to find check-sums of unknown computers files and constructing computer files from check-sums. That is the main theme of this project.

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-12-13 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler computer time travel time travel algorithms file recovery file backup

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