
Time Travel Project / Blog: Recent posts

Temporal Cryptography

I have refined my theory a little more about computer time travel. I posted a YouTube video here.
I have been considering updating my code here or add to it. If or when I do I am not sure when that will be. My open source code here was ment to help people better understand computer time travel as I understand it. But I am leary about releasing too much information to the public as what I do is a very sensitive topic.

Posted by Reactor1967 2018-02-17 Labels: time machine time travel cryptography algorithms computers

Getting close to production level

Time Travel Travel is getting faster and faster and approaching production level use. Time Travel Project is way more that a program it is software that gives a "TEMPORAL DATA CONNECTION" to all of space-time. You can think of this as space-time internet.

Posted by Reactor1967 2017-02-17 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler.

I will be upgrading the code and providing more tools now.

Now that I have time travel project off the ground and running. The public can use my time travel computer code and because Einstein said all space-time exist at the same time so too does all computer files exist at the same time. Using check-sum hacking to time-hack is a way to download any computer file that exist anywhere in space-time. No internet no phone line required. So, this is a form of computer time travel. This is DIY time travel.... read more

Posted by Reactor1967 2017-01-14 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler algorithms computer time travel file recovery file backup

Time Travel Project working now.

I still have a lot more to do but now a configure file can be created from a known sample of files. Then that configure file used to program random number generators to generate base power check-sums. Then those base power check-sums put into the base power decode and decoded as computer files. Its not user friendly but I have tested myself and it does work. Happy time-hacking.

Posted by Reactor1967 2017-01-13 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler computer time travel

Getting my statistical analysis ready.

Well now that I have a few counters here to decrypt computer media files by their check-sums I have to get some statistical analysis methods ready to go to predict check-sums of unknown computer media files. When I get that done I will post about it and make another You Tube video. My youtube channel is Reactor1967

Posted by Reactor1967 2017-01-04 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler time hacking check-sum hacking checksum hacking

Base Power Check-sum program working

I have the program written that gets what I call a base power check-sum for a file. And, can take that base power check-sum and decode the orginal file back out. Its still ruff around the edges. If anything is wrong with it will be my programming and not the algorithm. The Algorithm for doing this is 100% full proof. Now here is the kicker. This program can use just about any numerical base that is needed. I am currently using base 99999999 but higher numerical bases are attainable. The reason I need a higher base is because the base power to a regular computer file would be hugh in base 10. Higher number bases handle really well. I will make a You Tube video and put it in my channel Reactor1967 at you tube.

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-12-26 Labels: time travel time machine check-sum hacking time hacking check sum hacking time-hacking time traveler computer time travel

I have to update my header file. Take out the old. Bring in the new.

I have some old code in my header file. I have to remove it/archive it and bring in my new code. It will include fire codes, my adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers and computer files in different numerical bases.
Now I don't need all that all the time just some of it. I have to be able to add files to roll a binary counter. It just dependes on what I am doing. And I will be keeping the ability to roll binary counters to get from a source to a target. Then I will be adding in constructing binary files from check-sums without counters. This requires being able to use very high numerical bases. And, I have to update my statistics routines to generate check-sums of unknown computer files. I will probably be updating that a lot for a while. This will take a bit but I am on it. If you goto and search my name lloyd burris it will bring up all my books about this subject.This project is about being able to use math to find check-sums of unknown computers files and constructing computer files from check-sums. That is the main theme of this project.

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-12-13 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler computer time travel time travel algorithms file recovery file backup


Also I may have found a way to mathematically calculate the bytes in a computer file using the strong check-sum WITHOUT ROLLING THE BINARY COUNTER!!!!!

All I do is use the algorithm for converting from one base to another. Except instead of using powers I use weighted powers, and ,weighted sums, and bytes. This allows a strong check-sum to be converted to a computer file WITHOUT ROLLING A BINARY COUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... read more

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-12-09 Labels: time travel computer time travel time machine time traveler time travel project

This party getting started

Fire codes is finished and I finished up one of the most powerful algorithms there is for decrypting just about anything. It is called a throttled binary counter. This decryption algorithm basically makes ALL INFORMATION PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. I am cleaning up the code and tweaking it and making it faster. Next I am writing code that will plot unknown time travel computer media files on a X,Y chart with a regression line. It will calculate an equation that finds the strong check sums on the y axis and the weak check sums on the x axis. It will calculate these check sums then put them into my decryption algorithms to decrypt time travel computer media files out of the past, present, future, and alternate time lines as a method of time travel. It will make these check sums that are calculated into real computer media files existing on the hard drive.

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-10-30 Labels: time travel time machine time traveler computer time travel

Exciting things coming

I have been working on Fire Codes here at I have to complete fire codes before I can start this project. Because this project uses fire codes. I have fire codes running in linear mode. Now I am working on getting it running in parallel mode. When that is done I will import it here. What this project will do is generate config files for fire codes of unknown computer time travel media. It will also be capable of generating strong check sums of unknown time travel computer media files and constructing them from their strock check sum only. Even fire codes won't have that ability. It needs both weak, strong, and file sizes. This project will be able to go one step further. But, I need the code from fire codes to take this project to that level. Also, this project will have a powerful A.I. that can be trained and used as a robot to help with searching for time travel computer media.... read more

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-10-21 Labels: time travel time hacking time machine

Bringing years of time travel with computer research into the public domain.

Hi, my name is Lloyd. I normally go by Reactor1967 on the internet. I have a web-sight at I have been exploring and experimenting mathematically with storing information and retrieving information in space-time. My first mathematical system for this was a numerical system called BNS. See for my book.... read more

Posted by Reactor1967 2016-10-09 Labels: Time Travel Time Machine Time Traveler Time Hacking Check Sum Hacking