
The Open Source Time Travel Project / News: Recent posts

Genesis1.2 released

Released Genesis1.2 fixing the random number generator but method I am using that increments to increment the binary counter randomly from 0 to the square of all possibilities is not immediately returning results. Will be looking at adding in speed and search controls to fix this.

Posted by Reactor1967 2008-09-04

Time Travel Genesis1.1 first release made.

Time Travel - Genesis1.1 was made. Please understand this is a highly experimental first release so it was not expected to achieve this projects goals immediately or grab users attention. It was released before its time and before it was ready as a curiosity to anyone interested in this project. It still needs much work and there is a lot of programing plans involved for the future. But, it will show this projects simple points of using a binary counter to find computer media of the past or future or of alternate realities. Stay tuned this project has a long road ahead and plans to be around a while.

Posted by Reactor1967 2008-09-03

Pictures coming off binary counter.

First pictures rolling off the binary counter. I'm not doing any major testing at this point yet for time travel because I have more work I want to do before I get to that point. As soon as I learn how to use the CVS (Current Version System) at my project site I will start making releases.

How the project works right now is I take a picture of the size I want to come off my binary counter. I run a program with this picture. This program writes some numbers to a file that I use to edit my source code with. So it is two programs. One setup program and one run program. Then I compile and run my second program. I use the microsoft slide show to display my pictures as the program runs. I'm going to update my second program to load its running variables from the first program's output instead of manually editing them in and compiling them. My first release will not have any search features right now but later releases will. When I get ready to prove time travel with this that will be a special release all its own.

Posted by Reactor1967 2008-08-31

Project getting started

To all just coming here this project just started up not to long ago. It has been in planning stages where I have been information hunting figuring out what would work best for this project and I have been developing tools and subroutines to use with this project. Currently I have started writing the first applications to begin testing the theories and math behind this project. Much more still needs to be done. As time goes along I will work to make this project better. Thanks, the developer

Posted by Reactor1967 2008-08-24