
Tree [b6f079] master v1.15.3 /

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File Date Author Commit
 R 2022-12-14 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [de2e37] Optimisation mémoire de la fonction overlapping...
 man 2023-08-28 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [b6f079] Update of man/timetools-package.Rd and README f...
 src 2022-12-14 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [de2e37] Optimisation mémoire de la fonction overlapping...
 tests 2017-12-06 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [ba51fd] call to setGeneric for tapplye removed : suppre...
 DESCRIPTION 2023-08-28 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [b6f079] Update of man/timetools-package.Rd and README f...
 NAMESPACE 2017-03-03 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [118524] declaraction of C native routine as newly speci...
 README 2023-08-28 Vladislav Navel Vladislav Navel [b6f079] Update of man/timetools-package.Rd and README f...

Read Me

Objects to manipulate sequential and seasonal time series.
Sequential time series based on time instants and time durations are handled.
Both can be regularly or unevenly spaced (overlapping durations are allowed).

Only POSIX* format are used for dates and times.

The following classes are provided : 'POSIXcti', 'POSIXctp',
'TimeIntervalDataFrame', 'TimeInstantDataFrame', 'SubtimeDataFrame' ;
methods to switch from a class to another and to modify the time support of
series (hourly time series to daily time series for instance) are also defined.
Tools provided can be used for instance to handle environmental monitoring
data (not always produced on a regular time base).