
Tree [e63a63] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .vs 2016-08-01 raffa50 raffa50 [e63a63] fix a bug for that doesn't shown a large tilesh...
 Properties 2016-08-01 raffa50 raffa50 [e63a63] fix a bug for that doesn't shown a large tilesh...
 Resources 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [c812c2] fixed stupid issues caused by Resources
 .gitignore 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [c812c2] fixed stupid issues caused by Resources
 App.config 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 Com.cs 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 FAbout.Designer.cs 2016-01-31 raffa50 raffa50 [adac68] - tile stretch works
 FAbout.cs 2016-01-31 raffa50 raffa50 [adac68] - tile stretch works
 FAbout.resx 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [c812c2] fixed stupid issues caused by Resources
 FMain.Designer.cs 2016-08-01 raffa50 raffa50 [e63a63] fix a bug for that doesn't shown a large tilesh...
 FMain.cs 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 FMain.resx 2016-08-01 raffa50 raffa50 [e63a63] fix a bug for that doesn't shown a large tilesh...
 FProgres.Designer.cs 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 FProgres.cs 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 FProgres.resx 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 FTileSize.Designer.cs 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 FTileSize.cs 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 FTileSize.resx 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 Fatcow-Farm-Fresh-Application-view-tile.ico 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 ImageExtension.cs 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 PageInfo.cs 2016-01-31 raffa50 raffa50 [adac68] - tile stretch works
 Program.cs 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 TileLibrary.cs 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 TileSetMaker2.csproj 2016-07-08 raffa50 raffa50 [326b62] fix tile library import images bigger than 256x256
 TileSetMaker2.sln 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 TileSetMaker2.v12.suo 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 TileSheetEditor.Designer.cs 2016-08-01 raffa50 raffa50 [e63a63] fix a bug for that doesn't shown a large tilesh...
 TileSheetEditor.cs 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!
 TileSheetEditor.resx 2016-01-21 raffa50 raffa50 [535468] moving to git!