
#1 RFE: Add support for libcalccables


Please add support for building TilEm against libcalccables (instead of libticables2). Mostly it will just be a matter of renaming a few things, we aren't currently planning any API changes other than renames. More detailed information will follow.


  • contra-sh

    contra-sh - 2009-06-25

    We are not against the idea of integrating libticalccables in TilEm, but this is not a priority at this time.
    -->But use of libticalccables _instead_ of libticables2 is inconceivable.
    Although the amount of work required is low , we prefer to concentrate on improvements (removal of duplicated code and / or changes in the "gui" for example).
    (for those who do not know : libticalccables is currently a perfect replica of the libticables2 - that is why I do not see it as an improvement...)
    But it is not excluded to make this compatibility in the future ...
    Especially if this library brings new things ... :)

    I know you understand that Tilem is serving its users and that many things are currently under construction.
    These improvements could have a direct impact on the software.
    That is why we prefer to postpone until later this feature.

    Thank you for having posted this feature request and I hope to work with you soon in the interest of TilEm.

    Have fun with TilEm !


  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2009-10-10

    The API changes are now completed:

    I am going to write (and attach once I'm done) a patch which allows to build against either libcalccables or libticables2 or nothing. There are already conditionals which allow building without libticables2, so adding the libcalccables ones shouldn't be a problem.

  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2009-10-10

    Hmmm, I've looked at your current trunk in:
    and it appears to be missing virtual link support entirely? So there's nothing to patch there.

    I'm certainly going to produce a patch against 0.973 (the latest, or rather least old, tarball) and/or the "0.974" code on, but I suppose you aren't supporting those anymore?

  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2009-10-10

    patch against 0.975 from (just replaces libticables2 by libcalccables, needs autoreconf rerun)

  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2009-10-10

    I've attached a quick&dirty patch against "0.975" (the stuff from's tilem trunk) which just hardcodes libcalccables instead of libticables2.

    Please tell me whether you're interested in a properly-done patch against 0.975 (which supports both and automatically detects which to use) or not. If you aren't interested in that old codebase anymore, I'm not going to bother. The quick&dirty patch does what I personally need.

  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2009-11-07

    There's now a release of the libraries you can use for your trunk development:

    There are already some bugfixes compared to Romain's last release.

  • Kevin Kofler

    Kevin Kofler - 2010-09-09

    zman0900 posted patches against 0.973 and against the current SVN trunk to


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