
Tree [r62] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 build 2008-07-30 hofmeister [r2] initial commit
 src 2009-01-24 Hofmeister [r62] update licence to GPL V3
 templates 2009-01-24 Hofmeister [r60] delete duplicate file
 CMakeLists.txt 2008-07-30 hofmeister [r1] initial commit
 COPYING 2008-09-07 Hofmeister [r32] GPL v3
 Doxyfile 2008-07-30 hofmeister [r1] initial commit
 README 2008-07-30 hofmeister [r1] initial commit

Read Me


Before starting the build you may need to setup the KDE4 environment variables.
To do this open Project->Project Options and then look at the "Run" and the "Make" 
pages. Each of these two has an environment variables widget in which you have
to fill in the right values for the variables already listed.

After setting up the variables you'll also need to run cmake inside the build
directory. This can not be done by kdevelop as a KDE4 environment is needed
when running cmake to find KDE4. Open the integrated konsole and change to the build
subdirectory. Then setup a KDE4 environment and run "cmake ../".

More information how to setup a KDE4 development environment can be found on