
Tick-Tack-Toe 3D / News: Recent posts


ALPHA 3 is out, this will probably be the last alpha release since most aspects of the game work fairly well, however I'd like to get the time to write a decent AI player before going to beta. Pete W have added two AIs that is really fast and that may be a challange for beginners in 3D-tick-tack-toe.

Posted by Daniel Aarno 2002-11-05

Things are getting close to BETA1

The project has been fixed up a bit, not much new code has been added. If I can only get around to fix some small glitches it could probably go to BETA stage. It should now be quite ready for other people to develop there own AIs.

Posted by Daniel Aarno 2002-09-01

ALPHA2 released

The first binary release was very brief, only there for a day or two. Now the ALPHA2 is out there. After some testing this will probably go to BETA1 rather soon.

Alpha release 2

Bugs that where fixed.

* The game did not display the correct winner.

* The "looser" in a network game is told that he has lost instead of geting a "network error".

Posted by Daniel Aarno 2002-08-20

No news are good news...

But here are some anyway.

Things are starting to turn out ok. Networking is almost working and the first alpha release is not far away. Work will halt here for a moment since there will be little or no progress during the next week.

Posted by Daniel Aarno 2002-08-09