
3store / News: Recent posts

3store-v3 3.0.15 released

I've justuploaded a new version of v3, this one chases some changes in rasqal so it will compile and work with current libraries, and I made the DB4 dependency a little less fragile, I hope.

There is also now a bNode roundtripping system, its not documented, but mail me and I'll explain how it works for those that need it.

Posted by Steve Harris 2006-07-17

First release of version 3

I've just uploaded a tarball of the first release of version 3 (for SPARQL support). Its less mature than version 2 still, but is more capable in many ways.

Posted by Steve Harris 2005-09-15

Release of version 2.2.3

This is the first properly stable release for a while.

It includes sub property reasoning, improvments to the build system, autoamtic cache rebuilding and a regularised inference repesentation scheme.

Users of previous versions should purge or updasta thier database scemata to reflect the new layout. Instructions and detials are in the utils subdir and README file.

Posted by Steve Harris 2003-03-24

Release of 2.1.1

Added tarball for 2.1.1

This includes some performance, scalability compatiability and feature improvements.

Posted by Steve Harris 2002-12-18

CVS checkin of first public alpha of v2

I just checked in v2.1.0, the first public alpha. It should build from the CVS, but there are many warnings.

It supports 90% of the OKBC get- methods and has good performance, though it leeks memory.

Posted by Steve Harris 2002-10-31