
Thout Reader / News: Recent posts

Version 1.9 with JDK 1.5 Support is available.

Version 1.9 is available for download. This release is the result of extensive refactoring. Among the changes are:

Many usability updates
- see Quick Start Guide for details
Major Refactoring
Added Java 1.5 support
Added Page Forward/Backward Navigation
Added Highlighting
Added Quick Search (TOC and all Text)
Added Search Notes
Added Find in page
Added Import/Export Private Notes
Added Show/Hide individual tabs option
Updated Accelerator Keys
Speed Enhancements... read more

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-10-24

New Titles in ThoutReader Format

The following titles have been released since 1-july-2005. Go to for details!

JBoss: A Developer's Notebook Date Posted: 28-Jul-2005
Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, 2nd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
SELinux: NSA's Open Source Security Enhanced Linux Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Programming C#, Fourth Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
PHP Cookbook Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Mono: A Developer's Notebook Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Maven: A Developer's Notebook Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Linux Server Security, 2nd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
High Performance MySQL Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks, OpenMosix, and MPI Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Exchange Server Cookbook Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
C# Essentials, 2nd Edition Date Posted: 25-Jul-2005
Write Portable Code Date Posted: 23-Jul-2005
Ending Spam Date Posted: 23-Jul-2005
JUnit in Action Date Posted: 15-Jul-2005
XML Path Language (XPath) Date Posted: 01-Jul-2005

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-07-30

Coming Changes!!

The ThoutReader source is being extensively refactored. Among the changes are:

1) Better and more consistent error handling.
2) Support for local and remote notes servers.
3) Many performance enhancements.
4) A more modular code base.
5) Groundwork for plugins.
6) Java 1.5 support.

Please email us with any features that you would like to see!

Thanks for your support!

The ThoutReader Development Team.... read more

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-07-30

1.8.1 Released

Version 1.8.1 was released. This is a minor version that adds a print button to the main frame.

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-07-30

Version 1.8 with Print Support

Version 1.8 has been released. This release supports printing of the currently displayed node. Use the 'Print Page' menu item under the file menu. There are, however, several known problems. First a blank page maybe printed at the end of the the pages. Second some text may be truncated at the end of the file. The truncated line, however is printed on the next page. Lastly the page may be scaled pretty small if large images are present.... read more

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-05-11

Version 1.7 with Public Notes!

Thout Reader 1.7 has been posted for all supported platforms. In this release we introduce public notes. This is a feature that allows users to add public accessable comments to their content in a forum like setting.

Other changes include:

Added Public Notes
Added change look and feel option
Added anti-aliasing option
Added Show/Hide tabs option
Updated accelerator keys
Speed Enhancements

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-04-18

1.6.0 Released

ThoutReader version 1.6.0 has been released.

This release includes enhancements to the jeditor pane and
default stylesheets.

Small changes to the way content is displayed.

This release is also required for the Manning ebooks in Thout format.

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-03-11

1.5.6 Released

1.5.6 fixes several issues with java version. This version checks for the proper jvm.

Also added README.txt

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-01-19

1.5.5 Released

Version 1.5.5 Now Released. Now Covered under the GPL.
See for details.

Posted by Rick Blair 2005-01-07

Version 1.5.1 Released!

Thought Reader version 1.5.1 has been uploaded to the files section. This release features major speed improvements as well as other various bug fixes.

Posted by Rick Blair 2004-09-15

Free Books and Documentation

The following is a list of the free books and documentation that is available for the ThoutReader. These documentation packages are available now at

# PERL5.8 Reference Manual English
# Vim Color Editor HOW-TO
# Fedora Multimedia Installation HOWTO
# Connecting X Terminals to Linux Mini-HOWTO
# Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO
# Apache based WebDAV Server with LDAP and SSL
# C editing with VIM HOWTO
# Debian and Windows Shared Printing mini-HOWTO
# Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise - SQL Server HOWTO
# Bash Scripting Introduction HOWTO
# Apache Compile HOWTO
# php4 manual english

Posted by Rick Blair 2004-08-07

OSoft Thout Reader Press Release


OSoft releases ThoutReader(TM) - A Virtual Library for Developers

Open Source software standardizes Linux and other Open Source documentation

Tacoma, Washington (August 5, 2004) - today announced the initial release of the ThoutReader(TM), an open source documentation platform that works like a virtual library so developers can quickly organize and search all of their reference documentation at once. ... read more

Posted by Rick Blair 2004-08-07