
The e-health reference

  • Tanongkiete Auponno

    I find many reference that can us to refer and build up our project flame work in
    How ever I will search into the IEEE to find out which reference can be use to set up our standard flame work.

    • Tanongkiete Auponno

      accordint to e-health Code of Ethics, it try to express how to ensure that people can confidently and understanding of the potential risk of the information that deploy on the internet. Although it likely regards on the risk of information that deploy through the Internet but it also give us some concept to set the rule and regulation of information privacy.
      These statement of ethic can be used to form the flamework of the security and accessibility information. The security technique as such as information hiding and authorization will have to clerify afterward.

    • linecent

      linecent - 2005-10-20

      Thank for your information.Important part of health information is a structure of translation between 2 entities such as patient to physician or physician to nurse.HL-7 format is a good thing but it is difficulty working.


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