
Tree [c8708a] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ts 2014-02-19 Tadas Barzdžius Tadas Barzdžius [dae982] More command line options for VMVIEWPCOIP
 usr 2014-02-10 Doncuppjr Doncuppjr [ace567] modified: ts/5.1/packages/base/etc/init.d/sy...
 README 2014-02-13 Doncuppjr Doncuppjr [79853b] modified: README
 setup-chroot 2014-02-13 Doncuppjr Doncuppjr [79853b] modified: README

Read Me

README - Displaying of this file can be disabled by touching /ts/etc/READ

This env was created for you by Donald A. Cupp Jr. from Crux and Thinstation

Thinstation itself has many many many contributors, but much thanx goes out to
Mike Eriksen, Trevor Batley, Miles Roper and Marcos Mamorim

Work To Do / Work in Progress: mail to developer List if you can help

* Option to hide all Menu/Icons - Just Display Session Infos
* clean up old WM / Openbox as support is broken in some ways now

Moved to kernel 3.10.27
Updated nvidia xorg driver and kernel module

#Note that Several modules have been moved inside the kernel

Just run setup_chroot. The first time this is run, it will expand all binary packages into the right place.
Afterwards it will just start the chroot session.

I have done my best to limit changes to the breadth of the chroot environment. Most everything you really need is in /ts

The CFLAGS and CXFLAGS can be changed by editing /ts/etc/pkgmk.conf and then exiting and re-entering the chroot
If you change the flags, you might want to rebuild all installed packages with rebuild-all command.
You can make a single package like this `prt-get depinst [Package Name]` or update it with `prt-get update [Package name]`.
You can remove a package  with `prt-get remove [Package Name]`.
You can also go to the actual port directory like cd /ts/ports/components/busybox-TS and then do pkgmk -kw(keep work) if you want to 
examine the working compile and perhaps edit a .config file.
If you upgrade a version or change a .config, you will need to run pkgmk -um to update md5 checksums on source files.
If the file layout changes, you will need to run pkgmk -uf to update the footprint of the results.

The available ports directories can be changed in /ts/etc/prt-get.conf and then exiting and re-entering chroot.
A "Generic" Pkgfile is located in /ts/ports. Copy this file into your new port directory and rename to Pkgfile.
You can update the official crux ports with ports -u and then do a prt-get sysup to update all packages in chroot.
Other ports may be availabe, but should only be used as a template from .
Doing an update will sometimes give undesired results. Be patient and read the log files for package builds.(/var/log/pkgbuild)

Updating ThinStation:
The update command will read a .dna file and extract the latest and greatest from compressed binary packages into the 
working TS packages folder.

Some package sources were not available in any crux port. 
In those instances, I made my own port, BUT I did not install the resulting binaries into the chroot, but rather jailed them in 
/ts/components. Ports where I could not locate the source anywhere else but in the old TS chroot are in /ts/ports/static-source.
You could compile all static source packages with a line like 

for i in `ls --color=never /ts/ports/static-source/`; do prt-get install $i; done

This will also work with the components directory.

Never edit the ports in /usr/ports/. You will likely lose your work. 
If you need to edit a port, bring it into the /ts/ports/(something appt) directory and make your own package.

Everything else you might need is in /ts/TS_ENV