

Menno Mafait

Thinknowlogy is experimental, grammar-based software,
designed to utilize the intelligence contained within grammar,
in order to create intelligence through natural language in software,
which is demonstrated by:
• Programming in natural language;
• Reasoning in natural language:
- drawing conclusions;
- making assumptions (with self-adjusting level of uncertainty);
- asking questions about gaps in the knowledge;
- detecting of conflicts and same cases of semantic ambiguity;
• Multilingualism, proving: Natural Laws of Intelligence are universal.

If the foundation of a scientific field is correct, it integrates all its disciplines. However, science fails to integrate the disciplines of Artificial Intelligence (AI) because they are incompatible:

According to the evolution theory, intelligence and language would have evolved independently of each other. So, the evolution theory doesn't support a systematic relationship between reasoning and language, while the biblical world view assumes that reasoning and language are closely related. Being based on the biblical world view, Thinknowlogy is the only reasoner able to process the natural meaning of words like definite article “the”, conjunction “or”, possessive verb “has / have” and past tense verbs “was / were” and “had”. It has therefore worldwide unique results.

Example: Science fails to integrate Automated Reasoning and Natural Language Processing, because they are incompatible. Only Thinknowlogy integrates both to: Reasoning in Natural Language.

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Thinknowlogy after startup
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Thinknowlogy - Autonomous reasoning (1)
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Thinknowlogy - Autonomous reasoning (2)
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Thinknowlogy - Justification report (1)
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Thinknowlogy - Justification report (2)
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hinknowlogy - Justification report (3)

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