
The Revenge of John Sage / News: Recent posts

Textures, optimizations ,items and... shaders?

Our project is on a roll! The editor was "finished" (as in all intended implementations written). It still contains some bugs, but they are rare and not really a priority now. After the editor was considered "done", textures was to be the next big focus. And we got it working pretty soon after beginning to code it since "research" had been done previously. However the textures were rather slow. In fact, Mr C.'s netbook got only a frame rate of ~ 20 FPS. This was not acceptable, so we had to make some pretty big changes in order to fix this. There was a lot of struggles to make them, but fortunately we finally got the new structure working.... read more

Posted by Carl Björkman 2009-04-11


Now we are officially using sourceforge as a central point for the glsage-project. We hope that we will have no problem in handeling our code through the SF CVS. As of this point, the editor is almost finshed and the first "real" codebase for the game is created. No 3d-objects are hardcoded, everything runs from the input level data.

Posted by Carl Björkman 2009-04-06