
#2 Item copy in dream_wake has problems


The item copy can't control the position of items on the
body or in bags, so if the arrangement of items cause
the items not to fit they will be left out of the inventory.
A possible fix might be to use a larger container in a
special area to hold the items. Then the sleeping body
could just hold the equiped items.

Notes from Dark Bishop on the gyre forum page:
Appearently, any item you obtain while dreaming, will
disappear. However, if it is a "stackable" item, the game
will treat a "stack" as one object, unless I'm mistaken...
so if you have a stack of 4 Cure Serious Wounds potion
before sleeping, and pick up one more in the dream, you
will lose the whole stack of 5 potions. This certainly
would count as a problem if on server vault.
Perhaps counting how many of those items the
character gained, and only taking that much (destroying
the whole stack, but returning as many as s/he had
before dreaming) would solve this.
The other question is, what happens to gold that you
gain in your dream... that isn't an object, and I didn't
have the opportunity to try that... but I believe that
should disappear, as well.


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