
VDC 1.0.5 Released

Release Notes - VDC 1.0.5

New Features:

- Individual Customized VDC: Allow to create a custom view of the VDC in your site, with your header and footer and a subset of the collections.

- VM ware based release: This version of the VDC is mainly for testing or evaluation. It only runs locally.

- Shorter UNF (use version 3)

Fixed Bugs/ Minor Improvements:

- Add handle to study description when study is created

- Miscellaneous fixes in study Main View (display holding when study origin is not the current VDC)

- Change breadcrumbs behavior (display VDC member as home if there is only one member)

- Fix access of remote objects

- Redirect to homepage when session expires

- Fix Edit collection description

- Allow html in announcements

- Small improvements in contributors workflow

- Improve workflow adding a new user or group

- Fix error when cancel file upload

Posted by Merce Crosas 2006-05-17

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