
THE - The Hex Editor / News: Recent posts

0.0.7 Beta Release

THE has reached another point version release. This time a few smaller yet ever essential features have been added. Most prominently, THE now sports a new data analyzer that can dynamically show you the Hexadecimal, Octal, Binary, ASCII, 8-bit and 16-bit details of any selected offset of a loaded file. The values can also be displayed as signed or unsigned. The second most notable feature that has been implemented is the ability for THE to jump to any given offset in the file. The next point release will further refine the abilities of the data analyzer while offering more useful and unique features.

Posted by Daniel Baxter 2009-07-09

0.0.6 Beta Release

THE has reached another release. Though still in beta development, there have been several features added to THE to enhance its functionality. First of all, THE now supports directly editing both hexadecimal values and octal values from a file, though some restrictions apply. Also, THE is now capable of partially opening up a file from given offsets and editing only the specified values of that file. File opening and saving times with files has been sped up, but file 25MB and higher still take a considerable amount of time to calculate. The elimination of this speed barrier will remain a focus for the project as well as by adding several other features with the next release.

Posted by Daniel Baxter 2009-05-17

0.0.5 Beta Release

THE has reached its first release. The project is still in beta development, but so far THE is quite capable of standard hex editing operations. Builds are available for Win32 and Linux systems.

Posted by Daniel Baxter 2009-04-11