
Background - Why nothing's here yet

I don't plan on letting this become another one of those abandonded projects.
The reason why nothing's here yet is because I developed this CMS as part of my band's website. Right now, I'm preparing the site for the next webmaster, and that's partially why I'm taking out my content management and putting it out in the open, so they have some sort of external reference. Plus, I've been wanting to use it for my own site.
Right now, I'm getting the kinks out of the some of the new features, simplifying them, and compacting them. (That doesn't mean putting them on one line!)
Soon, maybe in a month or so, after AP tests and the SAT and some other stuff gets finished, I'll be able to do some more on this. Until then, it's still in development.
It does exists, though, just haven't published it yet. [So for all intent and purposes, it doesn't.]

Posted by deadimp 2007-04-24

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