
Text XP / News: Recent posts

Text XP 0.4d released!

Well, I'm happy to announce that Text XP 0.4d is available for download. It has a kind of Update check system: please use it to stay up to date with our next releases.

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-09-06

Text XP 0.4c released

Okay, this is a "bugfix-oriented" version: in Text XP 0.4b was missing a toolbar icon, which it was added in this newer version. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-03-15

Text XP 0.4b released!

The 0.4b version is now available. Sources should be complete now, including all the resources. This version has an improved print engine, Zoom feature, icon "re-inserted" and refreshed, some bug fixes and more... Try it now!

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-03-06

Info about Text XP 0.4b

More info about the next version of Text XP (under development) is available at this url:

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-02-26

Text XP 0.4a released!

I'm glad to announce that Text XP 0.4a is now available to everyone. An important new feature is the MDI support: try it and enjoy!

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-02-11

Text XP 0.4 coming soon!

The next version of Text XP (0.4) is under development: it will be available soon.
Meanwhile, you can help the development posting the bugs you've encountered, requesting new features, etc... I'll do my own best to provide a better Text XP! :-D

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-01-29

Web site: another idea

I thought that it's not necessary to create a standalone site for the Text XP project, because these pages you're browsing do their work quite well.
Now, visiting we'll see a redirect page by which everyone can reach the project pages stored in Sourceforge site.

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-01-14

Web site available soon!

The project's web site ( will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2006-01-02

Sources published

The sources of Text XP 0.3 are now available to everyone. Obviously, the code of the future versions will be shared for free!

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2005-12-25

Icon hotfix

I released an edited version of Text XP with the correct icons, so I suggest everyone to download this.

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2005-12-23

The project's birth

This is the first news related to Text XP, announcing the release of the 0.3 version. Download it and enjoy!

Posted by Syst3m Crash3r 480 2005-12-22